Galley set 3 #marchtbr #marchintoreading
This is not the green arrow of old, and not the green arrow of the tv show. And I like that. Some characters are still alive while others may fight for the wrong side, but it works. I want the next volume please.
Ps. I understand this feeling (plus it's early on and not really a spoiler)
Just met Ben Percy in a comics store. Super down to earth guy. Don't usually read comics (though I love graphic memoirs), but I'm giving it a shot!
I'm not going to review all of the comics I read, but when there's a standout issue that I think is worth highlighting, I will. For the first time in years we have a Green Arrow who looks, acts, and sounds like Green Arrow! And the goatee is back! Can the boxing glove arrow be far behind? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The panel that earned Green Arrow a place on my subscription list.