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Forged by Fire
Forged by Fire | Sharon M. Draper
6 posts | 14 read | 4 to read
Teenage Gerald, who has spent years protecting his fragile half-sister from their abusive father, faces the prospect of one final confrontation before the problem can be solved.
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Forged by Fire | Sharon M. Draper
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This #YA book published in 1997 & written by a high school English teacher deals with the tough subjects of child physical and sexual abuse. It‘s part of a recent #bookhaul (others shown in the stack) to put in #LittleFreeLibraries in the Housing projects I work at. While the subject matter is harsh, if it helps one kid speak up and ask for help for themselves or someone else, it‘s worth it.
As for #24b4Monday, it‘s been awhile since I could ⬇️

megnews Join and I‘m excited even though I‘m setting a low goal of 8 hours. I have lots of school work to do. Reading is my procrastination tool. My reading this year has been focused on picture books, #middlegrade, & #YA. And I can‘t seem to focus on any one thing so I‘m all over the place. Pictured are many in process I may work on this weekend. 4y
Andrew65 Great to have you with us 👏👏👏, good luck with your goal. 😊👍 4y
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Forged by Fire | Sharon M. Draper
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Draper tackles tough teen issues in this trilogy.

Forged by Fire | Sharon M. Draper
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“Helping to supervise gym at summer school” AKA getting paid to read. I enjoyed this sequel MUCH more than Tears of a Tiger. Still a bit overdramatized for me, but the writing was clearer and the storyline felt more thought-out. This will definitely lead to interesting discussions during class. Now onto the third one!

Forged by Fire | Sharon M. Draper
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Relaxing with my book and a marg after a long double.

Forged by Fire | Sharon M. Draper
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It's a Sharon Draper kind of week. On to book 3 of trilogy

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Forged by Fire | Sharon M. Draper
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This RF Coretta Scott King award winning book would be perfect for LC. This book is about a young teen who is trying to go throughout his life while struggling with the death of his aunt. This book is definitely for older students so I would use LC for them to talk about their feelings about the book in them. I would show my students this book trailer to get them excited to read. https://youtu.be/jGqE9UaIxMM

MakennaK I would use UDL 7.1, optimize choice and autonomy, by having the students choose what they will talk about in their LC since they are older. I'll use UDL 2, promote cooperation in small groups, by having the students engaging in deep discussion in their LC. #UCFLAE3414f17 7y
DrSpalding Yes, definitely for middle to high school students however your idea of using it with literature circles and promoting cooperation works perfectly. 7y
AJones Nice post and thanks for the recommendation. I just purchased “Tears of a Tiger” and can‘t wait to start. It was part of my Goodwill haul and it was only .59 cents. 7y
AndreaC I loved “Out of my Mind” and so I‘ve been looking for other Draper books. I‘ll check this one out! 7y
ashley.v This book is a series. I definitely agree that it is for middle school. 7y
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