An important work of auto-pathography detailing Lorde‘s experience with cancer and the politics around cancer care and management. Written in Lorde‘s typical flourish and cutting voice that awakens and educates all at once.
An important work of auto-pathography detailing Lorde‘s experience with cancer and the politics around cancer care and management. Written in Lorde‘s typical flourish and cutting voice that awakens and educates all at once.
Special arrival! I was introduced to both Virginia Woolf and Audre Lorde this year and couldn‘t believe my luck when I bumped into this unique collection from Dutch publisher HetMoet. 🙏🏻 It reprints Woolf‘s essay On Being Ill and Lorde‘s intro to The Cancer Journals with essays on illness from contemporary writers, some translated.
Hopefully I‘ll have thoughts (and links to read some of these pieces online?) worth sharing in a follow-up post.