“We‘ve done things more like the murderer than we can bear”
“We‘ve done things more like the murderer than we can bear”
Just the title.
Hello! I'm on vacation in the Bay Area. I just bought this book from Green Apple Books--what a great store!!! Back to Chicago on Friday and then a fun weekend of poolside grilling and visiting the museum of contemporary art with the 'non-reader' who's working on reading a little bit more since he knows it's my passion!
He cannot feel other people's feelings, but he is uncannily good at figuring out how to demolish yours.
There's a great balance to this brief collection of essays making problematic our own egoism & projection. However, there are a bit too many easy out or lazy reasoning for my tastes
In digging in on 'Millennials' (which always feels lazy), Dombek only skims the surface on the Boomer parents who created ultra-selfish mini-me's. It's a major flaw
Is Trumpism merely malicious narcissism?
The retro design of this pleases me
Meh. I THINK the point was to say that we shouldn't fear narcissism by its definition because more people fit that definition but that was not even closely stated that's my interpretation. I just felt like it didn't really have a clear point and was more about how bad the current generation is and how narcissists can be similar to murderers. Idk maybe I'm angsty against it.
Ok. She got there eventually. Took a few pages but now my rant seems less necessary.
So a little bit of a rant time. But so far so much of this books is about millennials and how they are a selfish generation and I'm so frustrated and tired of hearing that. Are there selfish millennial of course but has the author ever maybe considered that some millennials expect jobs and degrees because parents told them the HAD to get degrees to get jobs?! There's so much more to stories than this.
So all my library books (15) are due in two/three days. I hope I can make it. 1/15.
Reading this little gem in bed, listening to Mozart and chillaxing with my pups Wilson. I gotta say, Kristin confirms a lot of my fears, but also highlights a lot of holes in the current theories. Narcissists are real and dangerous, but we all can have narcissist tendencies.
"There is time, still, to move backward into the future of others, gazing at the disasters we are leaving behind and trying to mend. My selfishness will be invisible until spring, when the world warms, the snow melts, and someone else turns the corner to find this littered street." #kristindombek
I'm #currentlyreading these two books (and I've started a couple on my Kindle)! #augustofpages #augustphotochallenge
"...not just fake, but evil"