Starting 2019 off right with this #Oulipo classic. #amreading
Happy International Women‘s Day, littens! ? I‘m celebrating with French LGBTQ author Anne Garréta. She believed equality couldn‘t exist in language that positions the genders in opposition, so she wrote her experimental, feminist love story with NO gender pronouns AT ALL to identity its lovers.
#aprilbookshowers has shone a light on the gaping hole in my library that is #womenintranslation
So today I did a little research and added some to my TBR. Hello, excuse to go to the book store.
"I concluded that making love without laughing was as bad as gifting a book written in a language the recipient does not know." A love story with a small twist that I don't want to spoil because I went in blind and I thinks with this one, it's the way to go. It's also a beautiful lyrical tale of love and self-reflection. Highly recommend. #womenintranslation #emmaramadan #love #annegarreta
I haven't stopped thinking about this one since I read it earlier this month. My mind was so blown that I got it in French so I could experience the original composition & dust off my French reading skills. Let's just say this is probably not the right book to use to "dust off" anything but hyper-fluent French reading skills. Amazing, but ouch!
#bestofnovember #photoadaynov16
Thanks @RealLifeReading for such an awesome November challenge!
Found a bookstore in Dallas that focuses on works in translation and organises their books by publisher. I'm in love with you, Deep Vellum Books.
About to start this. For the unit on books in translation for my Adult Lit class.
Remarkable. The plot isn't the point here. This one's all about challenging your brain and filling it with ideas, questions, uncertainty & emotions, rendering you incapable of doing anything other than walking away with pure admiration for what Garreta and Ramadan have accomplished here. #wow #deepvellum
'This book is a rare and beautiful thing. It is a genderless love story. Like other Oulipan novels (eg George Perec's La Disparition, written entirely without the letter 'e'), the story embraces and transcends its linguistic constraints. No, the genders of its lovers are not mentioned. This is a love story in its purest possible form: stripped of stereotypes and profoundly refreshing.' Marion, Charing Cross Road
A genderless love story (which is much harder in the original French) with lots is ennui and an existential crisis. The story unravels in a very measured and constrained manner. Beautiful writing and wonderful translation. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The gender of the narrator and the love interest is never stated. A*** is a dancer, lively and the one being pursued which is the typical woman role in romance. Narrator is a DJ but also intellectual and theology drop out. I think how we leap to conclusions says a lot about each of us. But love=love
"I learned how fragile the body is, how much care is required to maintain the suppleness of the limbs and joints. Before leaving the dressing room, A always preformed a few dance steps for my selfish pleasure; then we would separate." This language ??? More amazing that it's a translated work
Today is my city's Pride parade and celebration. Starting this book partly to celebrate and partly bc it looks badass! It was also a recommendation from @bookriot Get Books podcast early on for LGBTQ lit ❤️💛💚💙💜