Intense story about the survival of 4 men that had nothing in common. The story goes beyond the incident and rescue and follows the survivors' lives years after they were rescued.
Intense story about the survival of 4 men that had nothing in common. The story goes beyond the incident and rescue and follows the survivors' lives years after they were rescued.
Happy Thanksgiving LitFriends!
I am thankful for fun and focused and respectful social media sites like THIS ONE 💗 and for book discussions and YOU who participate and share your love for books and stories and readers! I appreciate you.
I am audiobooking this for #NonfictionNovember and #BookClub.
May 2019 recap: 13 books read (I read LESS on vacation than when I'm working 🙄)
Fave book: Into the Abyss, by Carol Shaben
Least fave book: Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police, by Ralph Connor
I read this book in an afternoon. Could not put it down. This may be at least partly because I am a huge aviation nerd, but I did find it interesting to follow the survivors and see how they rebuilt their lives after narrowly escaping death.
Canada Day 2 (not quite got the hang of this squaring off yet)