I‘m not usually one for ya, but this series got me. I wish there were more than three books. I love Mara and the Messenger so much.
I‘m not usually one for ya, but this series got me. I wish there were more than three books. I love Mara and the Messenger so much.
I‘ll admit it. I take my kid to the trampoline park almost daily so I can read in relative peace. 😬
Stalker was amazing!!! I‘d recommend it to anyone and everyone. Did not expect the ending!! Now onto another of my #tbr pile!!
BOOKISH TATTOO POST: I'm still an ink newbie so I've been trying to plan out what kinds of tats I want where on my body, and I just now decided that I think I want my quote tats to go on my lower back. I want a lower back piece, but I also want a big space for quotes...so...literary tramp stamps, here I come 💅🏽