New read!! By far one of the best covers I‘ve seen 😍
New read!! By far one of the best covers I‘ve seen 😍
Finally finished this diabolical series. I know there‘s a fourth one but I‘m not bothered about reading it if I‘m honest. I struggled to get the motivation to finish these 3!! She was such a whiney moo lol
Slowly getting through this. My husband is working away tomorrow as well, I may have to hide it until he‘s back 😐
Bailed on The Essex Serpent....just could not get into it so onto a classic!!!
Next one on my list....I‘m slowly getting through haha aiming at 2 a week 🙈
Stalker was amazing!!! I‘d recommend it to anyone and everyone. Did not expect the ending!! Now onto another of my #tbr pile!!
Wow I‘ve not been on here for so long!! Things have changed in my tiny world....I left my job at the jewellers after 10 years and now I‘m enjoying the time to get through my massive tbr pile!
After this load of washing is done and I've stripped the bed I am in for a day of relaxation, reading and lots of tea and biscuits 😍😍
Got this book while I was in the states....let's see what the fuss is about 😬
My Sunday sorted....sat in my bean bag (which I won't be able to get out of) reading some more of this thought provoking book
1. Lincolnshire, England
2. Either TMI or Nos4r2
3. Probably 11.22.63
4. Harry Potter
5. To be honest, I compare all film adaptations to the book and so far not been impressed
6. Hunting Prince Dracula
Probably not a good book to read while sat next to my husband 😒😂
Finished Nos4r2 which was amazing by the way!!!! I need to read books on my kindle but because I'm an absolute book addict I keep adding to my shelving 😂📚
Had to buy this as it was only a fiver in Tesco and I keep seeing it all over bookstagram pages and on here 🙊
The aim is to finish this book today!!! After I said I wouldn't buy any more books until I'd read my tbr pile I have now purchased 5 😂😂😂 oops
Literally not put this book all afternoon!!!! It's so gripping 😍
Finished The Moon Pool so onto this one off my tbr pile!!!! I'm setting myself a challenge to get through my #tbr pile before buying any new books 😐
Finally finished #themortalinstruments books so I can carry on with my #tbr pile!!! #themoonpool is the first one up by Sophie Littlefield
This book is going to be the death of me, seriously just held my breath reading that part 🖕
Day off spent reading today, determined to try and finish this book!!!!! Yes that is a Minnie Mouse hair bow I'm rocking as well 😂 finally got it right this morning 👍🙊