I hate bailing on books, so it‘s got to be real bad for me to do that... The reviews were promising, but I just felt like everything about it was really cringe 😬 way too unbelievable
I hate bailing on books, so it‘s got to be real bad for me to do that... The reviews were promising, but I just felt like everything about it was really cringe 😬 way too unbelievable
She has several series on the go so I‘ve just chosen one for today. I love these, great characters, great thriller/tense storylines, usually a serial killer and always romance. People fall in love in 5 seconds, but I still read them and they‘re still great.
1. A Pattern of Lies by Charles Todd. Technically also Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow, but I'm wondering if I'll ever actually finish it!
2. A entire BOX of amazing mystery goodies from @EadieB !!!
3. Honestly - no idea... I just like random things!
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
I‘m a big fan of Karen Rose and You Belong To Me does not disappoint. It has her usual mixture of chilling, thrilling suspense, insane serial killer, dark pasts, deep-buried secrets, traumatic upbringings, and a side-dish of hot romance.
Great first book in the Baltimore Series. Would have finished yesterday, but went camping. Everyone have a good week.
1st 📚 by this author and I kind of enjoy the writing and pace. It might feel too Long for some people but for me it's alright. M.E. Lucy Trask is 🏃 ☝️ morning when she coke across a body. Not any body but a body which is set up for her to find. Someone close to her. Someone know her more than she thought. But who? There's a lot of violence and deaths in this 📚. #romanticsuspense #karenrose