God, Ally Carter writes teenage girls in action situations well. Grace's mental health (or occasional lack thereof) is believable and heightens the tension perfectly, and I just love her motley crew of friends on Embassy Row. This needs to be a TV show stat. #reread #yalit #yaactionnovel #yathriller
I usually love Ally Carter‘s work, but this was a big swing and a miss for me. The MC isn‘t super likable and spends half the book having various meltdowns that feel forced. The writing was also not super likable. It‘s filled with cliche one liners that often contradict previous plot points or characterization. Not to mention the plot is driven mostly by the MC stumbling onto important information by accident. Not one I‘ll recommend for the store.
I‘ve had the ARC sitting on my shelf forever from a book show I‘d gone to years ago now and decided to finally jump into it. Not necessarily my favorite of Ally Carter‘s books but still fun enough all the same. Had some suspicions for where it was headed that were mostly proven true in the second book. Still need to pick up book 3 to see how it concludes.
9 hours left. Maybe I will will make it. Who knows. I do know that i am having lots of fun reading this weekend. #mbcreadathon #MBCfrogsread11
Worked all day yesterday and had kids activities and such. Didn't get much in but am happy with what I got. #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread5
I picked this up after reading some others by this author and was surprised, interesting characters, plot twists I didn't see coming, will definitely read the rest of the series.
I am struggling with this novel. I have started it twice, and my interest is not there. I will try to read it at a later date.
“In the United States...Out of the United States.”
“This is my mom‘s room,” I say.
Well, I did watch my mother die right in front of my eyes when I was thirteen. But you already knew about that, didn‘t you, Ms. Chancellor?”
1. I love the relationship between Rosa the duck and Henri the dog in Louise Penny's mysteries.
2. My dream town would be Mitford as described by Jan Karon
3. This is a hard one but I would have to say Jane of Lantern Hill by LM Montgomery. Her transformation throughout the book is inspirational. They say that Montgomery was working on a sequel when she died... oh how I wish she had rushed a bit!
I picked this book for #thetruthaboutlove because it's all about love and how it can really screw with you. Yes it's about murder on embassy row, but if you read it all, my tag would make sense. I need to finish this series. #tuneintonovember
I can't wait to read this book! I loved her Gallagher girl series. The young girl who is secretly a spy appeals to my sense of adventure! Just waiting on my library hold! #YAYAY2
This is like The Princess Diaries + murder + PTSD. Haha. And, of course, I kinda love it. 😂😍📚
Is anyone surprised I ended up purchasing a YA trilogy?? 😂 They are my audio kryptonite! So fun, and I have a higher tolerance for cheesy writing when I'm listening rather than reading. Also, I guess ACTUAL young adults don't really like #audiobooks, because my library has very few. So I feel ok about buying these, and then I put a TON of other audiobooks on hold at the library!
even in this crowd of people, I am utterly, completely alone.
I will be stuck in a tower like Rapunzel, cursing my choice of really short hair.
“I can apologize in seven different languages. It‘s just something you pick up when you‘re me.”
It should offer me a great deal of comfort, but it doesn‘t. I‘m not exactly sure that comfortable and I will ever be on a first-name basis again.
I‘m not myself, I think, but then I realize something even scarier: I am exactly myself.
I don‘t know what I‘m hoping to gain. I only hope that there‘s nothing more that I can lose.
Everyone wants me to be different than advertised.
Part of having the world think you‘re crazy means you always have to remind yourself of the truth. Always.
I look down at the T-shirt I slept in, my yoga pants with a bleach stain on the hem. I bring my hand up to touch the ponytail that sits lopsided on the top of my head and regret every decision I‘ve ever made. Ever.
My life is a never-ending conversation of the things that people do not say.
let‘s hope trouble doesn‘t have your change-of-address card,
I don‘t mean to get into trouble. Trouble just sort of finds me.
Final Embassy Row book out this month. Having a reread to prepare.
And for a moment I feel timeless, weightless, and unafraid
My life is a never-ending conversation of the things that people do not say
Grace is the granddaughter of a diplomat. Her mother as passed on, but it was no accident, it was Murder. No that Grace is back in her mother's home, she is back on the search for the scared man.
An interesting story. It could almost be a read alike for We Were Liars, except I like this book. The clouding of memories hides the truth. a current hot topic in YA, but not too overdone in this title. I will probably have to read the next two.
Currently reading this book, supper good so far!!! 😉
#recommendsday All of Ally Carter's books are amazing but her latest series I think is her best yet. Grace is certain there is more to her mother's death than meets the eye but no one believes her. Certainly not her foreign diplomat grandfather she has come to live with in Adria. But when she begins to feel like she's being watched, the past begins to reveal itself. A very suspenseful and exciting reading. And it's a series!
Very interesting. The ending wasn't anything like I expected.
My library hasn't bought the sequel yet 😬👿
Finished it in two days and immediately started the sequel. Overall I really enjoyed AFD. A page turner with great twists. Perfect summer read.
I definitely liked it better than I thought I would. Political intrigue/ espionage stuff just isn't my usual fare. And I started to worry that the ending was going to be trite and over done. But it surprised me. The book ends with a "the real missing information" is coming next sort of an ending. I would read the second one.
Full Review: http://bookedupandbossy.blogspot.com/2016/07/Book-Review-AllFallDown.html