3.75 out of 5.
Much of this book is hampered by a fairly narrow definition of a healthy sexual relationship (although not nearly as narrow as many books on the subject) and an annoying habit of cheering on Baby Boomer-style promiscuity while dismissing the sexual liberation of GenXers and Millennials. The solutions are also highly individual and impractical for most couples. The chapter on parenthood has some good insights, so it's not a total throwaway.
It's been a tough few days. Our foster kittens wouldn't eat despite all our efforts, so we had to leave them with the vet team yesterday. I have been trying but not succeeding at reading the tagged book (and several others, mostly about bees). Vegan paella and 90s rock count as self-care, right?
I admit,I was reluctant to pick this up. But I ultimately found it interesting. It is essentially a marriage counselor talking about what happens to sex in committed domestic relationships.I especially found it interesting as a therapist who deals with a different aspect of sex in my work.(I provide rehabilitative therapy to sexually violent predators.) It's interesting to think about how much sex and fantasies relate to other aspects of our lives
I really admire Esther Perel‘s realistic approach to relationships and human behavior.
(Continued)...sexual activity a full two years later than their American counterparts, and the rate at which teenagers give birth is a staggering eight times less.
God, how I hate this happy horse shit! Sometimes, problems are just problems.
a great read and aptly named 👌 bonus: fits our global pandemic. i really enjoyed the writing style, descriptive language, and the insights gained from the various couples 🌶🥂♥️ #matingincaptivity #estherperel #eroticintelligence #sex #marriage
This isolation period seems good enough time and reason to revisit some of this book's main ideas
Mating in Captivity offers more questions than answers, but the questions are worth asking. On the surface, this book appears to primarily address difficulty with physical intimacy, but underneath that premise, the reader is invited to see eroticism as another language with which to communicate. Perel's a polyglot and her mastery of language adds poetry, making Mating in Captivity a breathless read.
I really liked this. It is a non-judgmental take on all things sex and relationships. There is plenty of stuff I‘m not into, sex and relationship wise, but the author‘s calm, reasonable manner isn‘t advocating anything - it‘s simply acknowledging it. I felt like I came away with a better understanding of differences and desires, both my own and in general.
This book was an excellent read! It takes an expanded look at our views of sex w/in relationships, questions the narratives we've been told, normalizes sexual fantasy & difficulty in keeping the flame alive in relationships, & offers suggestions on how to reignite your erotic self with your partner!
Full review here: https://sisulumicounseling.com/2019/05/18/book-review-mating-in-captivity-unlock...
When life gives you cancellations, take time for self-care and a little career enhancement. 😉
#selfcare #therapy #therapist #mft
"You don't have to justify yourself. You don't have to defend yourself. You don't have to counter attack. You can just simply say 'I understand.'"
The heartwarming balm that I needed to finish out the month of love with. Following multiple couples, including one of a mother and daughter, going through counseling sessions with Ester Perel, this reminds you of the beauty of love. Tagged another book of hers since this one wasn't in the system.
Intriguing, enlightening, understanding, and brave. Esther Perel took on a delicate topic with intelligence, candor, and fearlessness. #psychology #relationships #relationshippsychology
Perel examines relationships in regards to sex. How Americans view sex, infidelity and how they overcome trials in long term relationships. I‘m not the target demo for this. I‘m not married and I don‘t understand the appeal of sex. Yet, this book allowed me to understand the very things I couldn‘t understand. For some people sex is not just sex, but an emotional intimacy of some sort. I know I sound stupid, but never truly understood it before.
Therapy nerds (and other nerds) - Esther Perel has this new podcast called "Where Should We Begin" and each episode features real audio from a therapy session with a different couple! It's free on Audible! Just downloading the first three - I'm really excited to check them out!