@Cinfhen You are incredible! Thank you so much for this tremendous box of wonderful #LittenMail !
#LitsyLove #BookMail #ImTotallyBooked
@Cinfhen You are incredible! Thank you so much for this tremendous box of wonderful #LittenMail !
#LitsyLove #BookMail #ImTotallyBooked
@MrsSpencer @jhod as a relative newcomer to Litsy I am not sure what to expect/ hope for from the Apocalypse!
#LitsyApocalypseGiveaway @Cinfhen
I loved this book! I think it's a book I'll remember for a long time. It has captured very well what it's like to be a twenty-something in New York (I'm a twenty-something in Paris, but I guess they're not that different).
The characters are each so unique and interesting in their own way. If I had to rate it, I guess I'd give it 4 stars out of 5 because the pace was a little slow occasionally.
#DecDays My favorite song from the musical Rent #SeasonsofLove seemed appropriate for this time of year when sometimes family isn‘t enough and friends/friendship fill that void. This book is on my TBR and I‘m hoping to use it for #booked2018 #friendship http://spoti.fi/2zUg6mp
This book severely slowed my blistering pace for devouring material these last couple months, but I don't mind. Excellent writing. 👍🏻
Pale yellow headlights crossed the bridge's span, departing Manhattan at the end of a long, cold Tuesday, while Brooklyn issued her own red taillights back against the tide. From where he stood, they were all just points of light, proceeding and receding toward friends, meals, televisions, sins, solitude and sleep.
This is page one. I'm in stitches and also, I've lived this. 😅
For anyone: is the first thing you do with a new book open to a random page and take a whiff? This one smells like a good one. 🤓 #howyouread
It is a fearful thing to love what death can touch. A fearful thing to love, hope, dream: to be— to be, And oh! to lose. A thing for fools, this, and a holy thing, a holy thing to love.
Eyes Bigger Than My Stomach, Library Edition 👀
Went a little crazy at the library today. We'll see what actually gets read in the next 3 weeks. Any recommendations/suggestions to skip?
#LibraryHaul #ReadAllTheBooks 📚📚📚
Funny, the things that usually drive me batty - self involved characters, melodrama, contrived plot points - are all here, but the whole thing worked for me. Jansma's writing is so damn smart and these broken hearted 20-somethings just sucked me right in. I pretty much love this writer.
The seas are full of forgotten monsters, yes, but they're full of forgotten glories too. And the people who stay home and sit out the war never get to see them.
This is the first book I've read in a while that didn't come from someone's recommendation. I saw it at the library and picked it up.
3.5/5 Stars. The writing in this is beautiful, but felt a little at war with itself. It bounced around to things that derailed the story for me. I just wanted more plot and more emotion. The Thoreau rewrite was brilliant and I can see NYC lovers enjoying this!
This week's library haul. I loved Jansma's first novel so I'm pretty excited
A gorgeously (sometimes overwritten) story of grief and friendship and hope and loss and love filled with characters I cared almost nothing about. Except Jacob and Irene. I cared about them.
I live in a city and this book captures everything I love (and despise) about being here. The first half is leading up to a loss within a group of college friends, the second half is how they individually deal with it. Most books stop with the loss, I deeply empathized w/ what happened afterwards.
About a third of the way through this. I picked this up for book club because it has gotten some comparisons to The Interestings (which I loved & devoured) and even to A Little Life. I really enjoy reading about groups of friends through time. Any thoughts about this one? Also, NYC cover? 😍😍.
This book made me appreciate A Little Life more than I already did. Jansma is a talented writer and his themes are there, but the characters read like one-dimensional cliches of millennials. It's readable, but not worthy of the hype.
A huge disappointment. The sentences were full of cliches, the characters felt like archetypes. I was expecting so much because I am obsessed with all things New York City but this didn't feel real to me at all.
Last week's book haul. A testament to my diverse reading choices: fiction, a pseudo-mystery, and two nonfiction books on WWII.
This book follows a group of friends in their 20s in NYC as they deal with sickness & grief & failure & disappointments & a bit of redemption. Not sure I would have loved it as much 5 years ago or 5 years from now, but right at this moment before 30 it broke my heart.
Moving this up on my TBR pile after yet ANOTHER reader rave! Anyone here read yet?
"We came to the city because we wished to live haphazardly, to reach for only the least realistic of our desires, and to see if we could not learn what our failures had to teach, and not, when we came to live, discover that we had never died."