I just won this book from @bookriot and @QuirkBooks !
I just won this book from @bookriot and @QuirkBooks !
About half way through book 2 for the #DeweysReadathon and it‘s a perfect pick for October!
#readathon #DeweyOct
Opening survey for #readathon
1. Pittsburgh, PA
2. I don‘t have a stack, just what I feel like reading
3. Whiskey sticks (spicy yet sweet pretzels)
4. Recently died my hair rose gold after going years of being platinum blonde/white
5. Excited to read (with a few errands thrown in)
Costco is a very long drive for me, so it wouldn‘t make much sense to miss the lovely indie bookstore just a tiny bit further on, would it? Here‘s my haul from Kona Stories today, including a couple of ARCs.