May #wrapup
A crazy and exhausting month led to very little reading. Barely managed to keep up with buddy reads, bookspin and book club books but the few books I did read were all good. Least favorite was That Part Was True.
May #wrapup
A crazy and exhausting month led to very little reading. Barely managed to keep up with buddy reads, bookspin and book club books but the few books I did read were all good. Least favorite was That Part Was True.
Slowly working my way through this stack of books this evening while admiring the cute mug my niece and nephew gave me for Mother‘s Day. Their sweet words on the card made me laugh and cry. Hope everyone‘s day was filled with peace and love.
This book is soooo incredible. If you‘re looking for a good bookish gift for your mom or grandma, this is a book that honors the history of women, both in the author‘s life and in the diverse, multicultural history of the US.
Taking an #audiowalk with my butterfly shirt and necklace today.
This book is so great so far. It was recently recommended on the #npr book concierge for 2019.
Stair stepper this AM and this fabulous audio-memoir.