#CurrentlyListening — really interesting so far.
#CurrentlyListening — really interesting so far.
Comparisons to recent events are tempting, but the huge takeaway for me was just how much of an opportunity was undone thanks to the malice and bigotry of Andrew Johnson. And what do you do when you're stuck with an incompetent scofflaw of a chief executive trying to unwin hard-fought battles? You impeach them. Even if you know it won't pass the Senate you impeach the bastard anyway. You owe it to history. And oops there I go with recent events.
An intemperate white supremacist US president flouts laws and openly wars with Congress, setting up his own impeachment. 2019? Nope. (Well, ok, yes.) This is Andrew Johnson in the 1860s. While dense in places, this book is a great read, especially as a primer for what is likely to come in the modern era. The parallels are extraordinary.
Fill in the blank!
It‘s Andrew Johnson. But I‘m going to guess you were thinking of someone else.
Hmmm…now what‘s that line about history repeating?