A fabulous novella and makes me want to read the The Illuminae Files all over again 😍 5/5
A fabulous novella and makes me want to read the The Illuminae Files all over again 😍 5/5
Need some light reading today so going with this one. Anyone know why I can't find this one on the Good reads app?
@DuckofDoom's Science Fiction Fantasy TBR challenge, was a lot of fun. It is so hard for me to believe I didn't finish it. I read a ton of SFF. But apparently the last year I was more into blood mysteries.
Total Read 23/50
#SFFTBRChallenge #part1
I just want Memento in the UK for a price that I can still feed my son on. Is that too much to ask! My internal bookdragon is getting desperate 😅🙃
A great little prequel novella to The Illuminae Files. This is basically AIDIN‘s origin story. I loved it.
4 🌟
This story starts 6 weeks before Illuminae. Private Olivia has joined the ship to work with AIDEN and teach him moral imperatives. This story is super short, but it packs a wallop. It‘s all about AIDEN learning “I”. It‘s the first step to “creating” the supercomputer that can give Hal a run for his money. A great read. It works well as a side piece after you have finished everything else.
Okay I may have my answer. Not as early as I was thinking. Just before Illuminae it looks like. But I would have to pull out Illuminae to verify and I am at work without my copy.
Hummmmm. I wonder what year this is. The original novels take places centuries after the one we are living in. But that date makes me think 1974. Just a few years and 2 days before I was born.
Such a fun short story! Made me want to reread the series. I love these books!
Wow this is small. Might just have to read it tonight.
This fun, little book arrived a few days ago while I was out of town and I can't wait to get to it tonight! I've heard great things about it, but really how can you go wrong with more AIDAN?
I mean, are we really surprised that this was an amazing little jump back into the world of Illuminae? Loved those 82 pages so much! Been a few months since I reread the trilogy...just saying.
Welp, this may get me wanting to do another reread of the trilogy, but I'm willing to risk it. So excited! ❤