Really enjoyed it.
The Beet Queen follows a family across generations starting from an abandonment then moving forward to watch the family members, especially the women, navigate through life. I really enjoyed this for the most part but thought the ending was rushed. Also, the audio isn‘t great, as the book changes perspectives, but the reader uses the same voice throughout, which becomes confusing in places.
I decided I would finish the Love Medicine series - I‘d read two and loved them (Love Medicine and Tracks). I loved being in Erdrich‘s hands again as she unpacks the regrets and secrets of a whole family. In this one, everyone is a little broken and unlikeable but it feels like Erdrich wants to show humans warts and all, and sometimes it‘s mostly warts! 😋 Really enjoyed this and looking forward to the next one.
This started off strong, but by the end it was all unlikable people doing the wrong things.
#JoyousJanuary book 2/6
I didn‘t intend to jump directly into another #authoramonth read but I have a lot of unread Erdrich on my shelves and am really enjoying the push to read them. This one will not rank with my favorites of hers. It started strong but by the end dissolved into a book I was ready to see end. I still love the way she shifts perspective to new characters making you rethink the way you understood events and other characters. A light pick.
A quirky book with some cameo appearances of characters from other works. I enjoyed the silliness and appreciated the depth. #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks
I started this at lunch and almost decided not to go back to work. 😂😂
@Endowarrior21 I am so touched that you took the time to track down these books for the challenges I signed up for next year. I love the ornaments and the bookmark too. This is great, thank you. #wintersolsticeswap
I'm a book behind on the #erdrichmedicinereadalong but I'm glad to finally finish this one. It feels like the entire premise is, "Meanwhile, in the town nearby," and details the lives of multiple characters. Siblings Mary and Karl are central, and Mary's cousin Sita. Mary also befriends Celestine whose half-brother is a Kashpaw, so there are still Kashpaws and Pillagers in the periphery. ⤵️
Such a great book! I almost like this one better than the first book (Love Medicine) in the series. Erdrich switches point of view every chapter to dig in deep into family, romance, and small town drama. Her stories and plot throughout the book are hilarious, heart warming, and emotional. And this book had one of the best endings I‘ve ever read!
The pickings were slim for #royalty on my shelves! #bookstagram #bookstagramchallenges #riotgrams @bookriot
This is Louise Erdrich's #sophmorenovel. I remember I got this for Christmas my junior year of high school. #JubilantJuly #recommendsday
Is anyone tired of pie yet? Not me. I have a piece of sweet beet pie from #sisterpie in Detroit to fortify me for some #audiocleaning" #pieday
My first Louise Erdrich. I have no idea why it's taken me this long -- I've known about her for a VERY long time. This is told from different POVs and towards the end I started to feel that a few characters were somewhat overlooked. Even so, this was a memorable reading experience. Next Erdrich to read will have to be Love Medicine, as it precedes this one. #LitsyAtoZ Letter E
I decided on this for my #LitsyAtoZ read for "E". Loving it so far -- it is a rare accomplishment for a book to be filled with unlikeable/flawed characters and still be compelling reading. P.S. thanks again to those of you who made suggestions for this letter E. My TBR list is longer now ?!
A velvety beat up old paperback from the library discard pile. Something delicious about the way old library books read.
My student led book club chose The Beet Queen for this month's selection. I am a big fan of Louise Erdrich and her writing, and this one does not disappoint.
#TBT to 30 years ago when I was reading the Beet Queen. Fun fact- I found out I was pregnant with my one and only baby when I was reading that Patricia Henley book.
When you find out your new office mate is a Native American Lit scholar 👍👍 my TBR list is about to be even more fab. This is her book case in our office.
#NativeBooks #diversityFriday