Nature cannot be reprogrammed forever. Humans are not meant to run like software. You cannot hack the human condition
Nature cannot be reprogrammed forever. Humans are not meant to run like software. You cannot hack the human condition
#currentlyreading | a retelling of The Whipping Boy?!? Already love it.
My heart is full. (And my shelves 😁) #proxyposse #nashville @ferskner thank you thank you!!!! I‘m having so much fun looking through all the goodies again. And thank you to @britt_brooke @BooksTeasAndBookishThings @HeatherBookNerd @Elma @Booksnchill for the cookies cake pops ornaments book recommendations...Holy Cow- this is the most generous and warm group of people I‘ve ever met.
Me: It's too close to Christmas to be ordering books.
Also me: But what is the likelihood that some actually knows I want this one.
Found this author while scrolling through Instagram and couldn't resist the blurb. Also I had a Thriftbooks reward so it was only a dollar.
#newbooks #christmasshopping #tbr
In this dystopian world, you don‘t get punished for your misdeeds - instead, a ‘proxy‘, whose debt you have purchased, undertakes the punishment on your behalf. But when Knox is charged with negligent homicide, how will his proxy, Syd, survive the punishment? This was an interesting book. I loved the premise, even if the writing didn‘t exactly live up to it. If you like a bit of action, and high stakes adventuring, this may be the book for you.
Day 8: diverse reads. Syd is a working-class proxy, forced to pay off debt by taking the punishment whenever his wealthy patron misbehaves. Knox breaks something? Syd gets a beating. But when Knox kills someone & Syd gets sentenced to death, they team up to run from the law. While "issues books" are super important & necessary, I love that there's more to the plot than the fact that the protag is a dark-skinned gay kid. @RealLifeReading #booktober
I'm so glad this book exists, and I'm not even finished with it yet. Can't wait to meet Alex London on Saturday!!