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The Adventure of the Dancing Men (The Return of Sherlock Holmes, #3)
The Adventure of the Dancing Men (The Return of Sherlock Holmes, #3) | Arthur Conan Doyle
7 posts | 3 read
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Cuilin I‘m completely against the death penalty but I was fine with him being sentenced to death with the attitude of “she was mine first”. And the love of her life is now dead. So sad. I had to suspend my disbelief that chalk drawings would last outside in such a wet climate. 😂 6d
dabbe I would also steer clear of any American--seems they're always bad news in these SH stories! 😂 6d
dabbe I also wonder why Elsie would close the window before she shot herself? Was that out of habit? Did she not want the neighbors to hear? The other shots were fired when the window was open, so if any hearing was to be done, it already would have occurred. Was it out of habit? 6d
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CogsOfEncouragement @Cuilin My edition ended with a paragraph that starts, “Only one word of epilogue.“ and it explains Abe's penalty was changed to penal servitude since Hilton fired the first shot.

@dabbe - LOL those Americans!
eeclayton I found it difficult to believe that no one had realised before that the dancing men were secret code. Children's scribbles are much less regular and systematic. 5d
dabbe @eeclayton One definitely had to suspend their disbelief on that score! 5d
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Cuilin Same as I said before, why don‘t people talk? She knew her husband loved her. She could‘ve shared her past. 6d
dabbe @Cuilin 🎯! The knowledge that a violent criminal was after Elsie was not something that should have been hidden from Hilton--and withholding that information ultimately lead to his death. 6d
CogsOfEncouragement @Cuilin Yes. Absolutely. As bad as it would have been to admit her previous relationship (the times being what they were) it seems better than this outcome. And yet, the times being what they were, I suppose society made death seem better than admitting to this sort of relationship considering what women were valued for. Maybe that is the point. Women should have been valued for more but were not. This is what you get. 6d
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Librarybelle If only she disclosed everything! So right, @Cuilin —communication! 6d
Aimeesue What a sense of shame those Victorians instilled in women. Incredibly sad. 6d
dabbe @Aimeesue 🎯!!! 6d
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Cuilin Why does he always send them home? He sent Watson before why not now? Why does he always need another day? 6d
dabbe @Cuilin ... and why when Watson states that there's not another train until the morning, does he just say, “Oh, okay.“ Never mind that I just deciphered a message that said “Prepare to meet thy god.“ Isn't he excellent at sending telegrams? He sent one to NYC that got there in 2 days! This one would have gotten there ASAP! 6d
CogsOfEncouragement @Cuilin Agreed. Watson and SH made no promise to never question Mrs. Cubitt of her past. Go investigate the drawings and get to the bottom of it. They wouldn't even need to explain anything to Hilton necessarily. 6d
Cuilin @CogsOfEncouragement exactly, she may not have wanted to share her past with her husband, but she might‘ve told Sherlock!!!! Why didn‘t he ask? 6d
Librarybelle It was frustrating that it was clearly an emergency to get there, but okay to wait for the next morning‘s train. That was Holmes not at his greatest. 6d
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Cuilin Asked his damn wife what the blazes was going on. Seriously why don‘t people talk???? 6d
Read4life While I hadn‘t worded it quite like that (I like yours way better @Cuilin ) that was my answer as well. 6d
dabbe @Cuilin @Read4Life IKR? I mean, he noticed she was “frightened to death“ and that terror was “always lurking in her eyes.“ You'd think he would have finally spoke to her to pry the story out of her! 🙄 6d
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dabbe I also wonder if Cubitt had stopped going on an on about his precious family and their name, perhaps Elsie wouldn't have kept the secret. She was so afraid of ruining his reputation. Seriously, these Victorians! 6d
CogsOfEncouragement @Cuilin @Read4Life Agreed. Misguided attempt at honor in “keeping a promise“ for sure. 6d
Librarybelle @Cuilin @Read4life I know!! So aggravating that he took the promise to this extreme. I think the time passes for all niceties when you have to set up at night guarding your home and loved ones from an unknown threat, one that you know is connected with your significant other. 6d
Aimeesue @Cuilin Yes! That‘s what bothers me most about a lot of books - On Chesil Beach, The Sense of an Ending, et cetera. 6d
Cuilin @Aimeesue On Chesil Beach 😢 6d
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Cuilin All I kept thinking about was YMCA by the Village People. 😂 6d
Read4life @Cuilin 🤣🤣 6d
CatLass007 @Cuilin Yes!!😂😂😂 6d
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dabbe @Cuilin In 26 different poses! 🤩😂🤩 6d
CogsOfEncouragement I enjoyed this one, as I always do. I like your What If game, because this sad ending does seem preventable. 6d
dabbe @CogsOfEncouragement I think it's one of the most tragic ones we've read so far! 6d
Librarybelle This was a good one, with a tragic end. 6d
Aimeesue I liked this one, but had forgotten about the sad ending. 6d
kelli7990 I liked this one. 6d
kelli7990 @Cuilin Lol. I see what you mean by that. 6d
CrystalE02 I enjoyed reading this story. It had me cracking up in some parts and in others I was like really!! 4d
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@PuddleJumper @Jadams89 #FrightClub
#DailyTally for 10/11

Finished “The Dancing Men“ for #NoPlaceLikeHolmes. A favorite of mine, and A.C. Doyle's 3rd favorite of the entire canon he wrote. It's worth a read if you haven't read it before, and even if you have! 🤩
Thanks to the lovely tagged Littens for their readathons.

TheSpineView Great job!🤩📖🧡🎃 6d
Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻🧡 6d
dabbe @TheSpineView 🖤🧡🖤 6d
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dabbe @Catsandbooks 🖤🧡🖤 6d
DieAReader 🥳👻🤓🎃 6d
dabbe @DieAReader 🖤🧡🖤 6d
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6d
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#NoPlaceLikeHolmes @Cuilin

Hi, Sherlockians~
As always, great discussion on Saturday! “The Dancing Men“ is linked below (spoiler alert). Fun with a cipher in this one! 🤩 Discussion will be this Saturday, 10/12, and will be led by @dabbe. Happy almost Tuesday! 🤗

Link: https://shorturl.at/wEYHF

Librarybelle Yay! Thank you! 1w
dabbe @Librarybelle YW! 🖤🧡🖤 1w
Cuilin Fabulous, I love a cipher!!!! 1w
dabbe @Cuilin I think as ciphers go, it\'s a pretty darn good one! 🧡🖤🧡 1w
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