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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths
xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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Ugh. This was upsetting. Out of fifty somewhat stories in it, there were about TWO that were actually any good and even remotely a reinterpretation and rethinking of classical myths. And one of those two I had read before. The rest were all set in modern times, boring as anything, and so overly pretentious. I am big into mythological reimaginings, but this collection just doesn‘t do it.

Book 2 of #24b4Monday

Andrew65 Oh dear! 😔 4y
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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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3 1/2 stars for the collection overall.

Favourites (5 ⭐):
Sabina Murray
Manuel Muñoz
Edith Pearlman
Ben Loory
Manuela Draeger
Kit Reed

1 ⭐:
Eleanor Dymott
Aurelie Sheehan
Ander Monson

xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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mreads 👍 I caved too 😃 5y
wanderinglynn I sent you a friend request! 😀 5y
LA_Mead What is the reading rush? 5y
Dawnrod1970 Yes what is the reading rush it sounds interesting 5y
SaturnDoo Request sent 5y
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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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Dipping into this when I can tear my attention away from my surroundings.

MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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This just arrived and I'm eager to dive in.

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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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Had a crap day at work so I was so happy to get home and find that my book outlet order came early!!! #bookhaul

Redwritinghood Sorry your day was bad. Books save the day again! 6y
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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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So, I know I‘ve been horrible about posting. I will try to go back and review some things I‘ve finished lately! Meanwhile, I‘m taking a break with some short stories and a peppermint mocha after the emotionally exhausting Veteran‘s Day performance at my son‘s school.

xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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Climate change, ocean acidification, the sixth mass extinction of species. Events that used to take hundreds of thousands of years, we humans have miraculously accomplished in little more than a century. We, in our less than divine wisdom but apparently quite divine powers, are now transforming the planet like an Olympian might have created an Ice Age, or a Titan might have thrown down an asteroid from the sky to kill off a bunch of dinosaurs.

Suet624 Yowzer. Beautiful, Sara. 7y
saresmoore This quote is from Kate Bernheimer's introduction, setting the stage for this story collection that represents a new take on myth-telling for the Anthropocene epoch. 7y
saresmoore @Suet624 It's followed by "We are the gods. Our scientists have said so." This intro is on fire! 7y
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Suet624 Jeesh! 7y
saresmoore @Graciouswarriorprincess And this is just the editor! I haven't even gotten into the actual stories yet. My hopes are high! 7y
saresmoore @batsy Thank you for recommending this! 7y
batsy @saresmoore That's a great intro! I hope you enjoy the stories. Thank you person who mentioned it on Litsy and thus made me remember it 🙋 7y
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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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Parenting confession: Sometimes I take my son to a fast-food playplace just so I can have a little uninterrupted reading time. 😅(For the record, we are customers. I buy drinks at least if we're not hungry.)

Lmstraubie A reader has to do what a reader has to do! 7y
TrishB I see no problem 😀 7y
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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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FINALLY I am finished with this! Some of the short stories were excellent and haunting, but some just felt like filler, and I really had to slog through them. It could be I wasn't in the mood for short stories, or I could have been expecting more retelling of myths, rather than riffs on them. I renewed this four times from my library! This fulfills the letter #x for the #Litsyatoz challenge.

xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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I've got all these going at once. My hold on Radium Girls finally came back in after I had to return it to the library. #currentread #riotgrams

xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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This is my very literal interpretation of #bookandsun. I'm outside reading and the sun is reflecting off the water right into my eyes. 😆 #splashintosummerreads

WarpedSweetness Sun reflecting in my eyes is a surefire way for me to develop a migraine! I don't even know how you could sit there long enough for a picture! But at least the picture looks awesome! 7y
AmandaL @WarpedSweetness Thanks! I ran inside shortly after taking the photo. 😁 7y
WarpedSweetness @AmandaL You're a saint in my eyes for enduring it that long! 7y
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CherylDeFranceschi Well that is lovely! 7y
Ms_T That's a great picture 👏🏻 7y
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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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My #TBR books right now are my selections for #LitsyAtoZ (only two letters left!), the twenty or so other books I'm currently reading, and all of the galleys on which I'm behind. As long as the list is, I'm sure I'll be reading some unexpected ones before I finish, as well. #splashintosummerreads

xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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50 short stories: some were great, some were ok and others were not good at all. #x #litsyatoz

AmandaL I'm a little over a third of the way into this book, and I agree. 7y
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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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From "Devourings" by Aimee Bender--so good! #ogresftw #keepingitshort

xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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A relaxing end to an exhausting day! I've looked at something like twelve houses in the last week and finally narrowed it down to two. I'm sure you all will understand when I say I'm struggling between the almost-perfect reading nook in one house and the other one that's right around the corner from the library!

RanaElizabeth Good luck on the house-deciding! 🏡🏠 7y
saresmoore Best of luck with the home choice! I'm sure the best option will pan out. In other news...SoDelicious does cashew milk ice cream?! 😋 7y
GatheringBooks i read her "my mother she killed me" collection - looking forward to this one. 7y
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readinginthedark @saresmoore Thank you, and yes, they do a few different kinds of "milk." This Snickerdoodle was amazing! And gone very quickly. ? 7y
readinginthedark @GatheringBooks I need to read that one; I'm really enjoying this one so far! 7y
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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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Retellings of world myths?! Yes please!

unabridgedchick Omg, yum! Awesome contributors, too!!! 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk This sounds amazing! 7y
readinginthedark @unabridgedchick @TobeyTheScavengerMonk I've only read a few so far, but up to this point--👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 7y
lisakoby Stacked! 7y
readinginthedark @lisakoby 👍🏻📚 7y
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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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If you're into fairy tale/myth retellings, punchy short stories, and unabashed weirdness, this book will ✅all those 📦es. Kate Bernheimer has the best titles. A great pick for #litsyatoz too! #titlesstartingwithxyz #seasonsreadings2016

vivastory Sounds fantastic! Stacked! 8y
LindsayReads I forgot about this one!! Thanks for the reminder--it's good to know I have options! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Try Summerlong, if you haven't already. 8y
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LectricSheep @Riveted_Reader_Melissa your posts on Summerlong look very enticing, and the summary sounds right up my alley. Thank you! ❤️️ 8y
Zelma Hey @OSChamberlain , this might be a fun companion to all of your classics. 😀 8y
OSChamberlain @Zelma you know me all too well ❤ 8y
Zelma @OSChamberlain 😆👍 glad to help! 8y
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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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Three myths in and so far I'm enjoying this collection enormously. Related to the picture: I am not a dog person per se but this Argos myth made me cry; it is so tragic and beautiful and brave.

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xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths | Kate Bernheimer
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I dashed through Powell's on a quick trip to Portland today and this is what stuck to me. After falling hard for The Song of Achilles, I am really looking forward to see what Madeline Miller does with "Galatea and Pygmalion." Though honestly the synopsis of pretty much every one of the myths in the table of contents has me ready to tear through this. Mr Duchovny's book might need to come first though for book clubbing reasons.

Yamich49 Ooooooo this one sounds good! 8y
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