I was today-years-old when I found this monthly wrap up calendar option on SG. The January Pages Challenge was a good motivator for reading a little a day on the longer books. ❤️
I was today-years-old when I found this monthly wrap up calendar option on SG. The January Pages Challenge was a good motivator for reading a little a day on the longer books. ❤️
Yes, I realize I'm not the target audience 😅. But I was OBSESSED with Momo and with The Neverending Story when I was a kid, so when I realized there was a famous Ende book I had missed, I wanted to read it. Honestly, I don't think I would have liked it as a kid either; I didn't like books without child characters, and the heroes in this one are animals. Also too much verse. Meh.
Great progress on the fair isle tank top. While listening to tagged book. I've never read this classic German children's story before.
The sorcerer Beelzebub Preposteror and his witchy aunt must complete their annual quota of evil deeds before midnight. But a small cat and a raven are waiting to foil their plans and save the world.
Day 11
Kirby tried his best to stop me, but I‘ve managed to finish my buddyread with @Sarah83 in time😁
I really enjoyed this light read! A children‘s book about an evil with and sorceret who try to make an evil punch just in time for new Year‘s Eve! Luckily their smart pets, a cat and a raven, heard their plans and will try to stop them! 4/5⭐️
Yes my dear, my TBR is definitely the comfiest place to sleep😂
Tagged book is my next buddy read with @Sarah83 starting tomorrow😍
#ThankfulThursday by @Cosmos_Moon – Thanks ??♀️ for the reminder @RamsFan1963
Tag a book you‘ve re-read: ✅
1) „Buecher“ = „Bücher“ = “books” ➕ „suechtling“ = „süchtling“ = A neologism I invented by combining „süchtig“ = “addictive” with the diminutive “ling” (like in [Little] Thumbling)
2) Literally for every task I can take off my T-Do-list. ?
Tagging @Freespirit @ju.ca.no @Heideschrampf
@Sarah83 has spoiled me rotten. The books don‘t even fit in the picture😂😂 I‘m so grateful to have such lovely friends❤️❤️❤️
"Der satanarchäolügengialkohöllische Wunschpunsch" von Michael Ende ist nicht nur ein Zungenbrechertitel sondern auch ein Klassiker. Dieses Jahr zu Silvester habe ich vor mit diesem Buch stilecht ins neue Jahr zu starten! Es soll nämlich machbar sein, das Buch in genau den Zeitabschnitten zu lesen, wie die Kapitel benannt sind, also von 17 Uhr bis Mitternacht.
Hat das von euch schonmal jemand gemacht? Und hat es geklappt?
Am nächsten Silvesterabend nichts vor? Dann unbedingt dieses Buch lesen. 😍 Lustig und lehrreich zugleich ist es einfach ein toller Zeitvertreib bis Mitternacht. 😎
Haven't you something to do on silvester's eve? You should really read this book. 😍 As it is funny and informative, it's a superb amusement until midnight. 😎
#LitsyAtoZ Letter W
Wieder eine wunderschöne Illustration 😍
Another wonderful illustration 😍
Mittagspause 😎
Ich liebe diese Zeichnungen. 😍
Lunchtime 😎
I love these drawings. 😍
Was ist ein Büchernörgele? 😅😂
Mittagspause = Lesezeit. Weiter geht es mit #LitsyAtoZ. Dieses Mal mit dem Buchstaben 'S'. 😉
Lunchtime = reading time. I'm starting the next one for #LitsyAtoZ. The letter 'S' is going on this time 😉