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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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A true story from Raina Telgemeier, the #1 New York Times bestselling, multiple Eisner Award-winning author of Smile, Sisters, Drama, and Ghosts!
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier

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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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#StoryGraph: nonfiction graphic-novel memoir middle grade emotional funny lighthearted
224 pages • first pub 2019

This is a middle-school graphic-novel about the internal physical affect when children hide their fears. Very well done with admirable sensibility … Bonus: It‘s fun!

Guts | Scholastic
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I don‘t care what my bank account says today, I‘m buying a book or two or three! Shoutout to @iamcaseyrkelley for the awesome sweatshirt. #imbuyingabook #dontjudgeme #booksaremylife #bookstoresvsmybankaccount

Bookwormjillk Love it! 2y
Smrloomis Enjoy your new books! 2y
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Guts | Scholastic
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Listen…It takes Guts or either insane sanity to work with middle schoolers but I love it!!#middleschoolteacher #crazynotcrazy #guts #feetupfridays

Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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5✨I strongly suggest this book for younger/middle grade/high school students. It tackles anxiety, depression, bullying, and it‘s okay to be in therapy. It was a wonderful graphic novel to show these things are okay to talk about, and getting help for them is also okay. I wish I had this growing up when facing my own crippling anxiety.

slategreyskies Just put this on hold at the library. My son has anxiety. Maybe this will be a good book for him. Thanks! 2y
Karisa Every Raina Telgemeier book I buy for my middle school classroom library is in use constantly. She has such a great way of weaving in important issues in a relatable way with books that are fun to read too. 💗 this book and author! 2y
Roary47 @slategreyskies I hope it helps him. 💛 2y
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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Book Haul! It‘s been a while, “Guts” I‘ve been having trouble getting at the library. Finally got “Mother Knows Best” in the villains series. Classics “The Secret Garden” and “The Little Mermaid” in special Barnes and Noble editions. “The Paper Girl of Paris” was an impulse and “11/22/63” was a suggestion from my future nephew. 🥰

Guts | Raina Telgemeier

This is another graphic novel from Raina. I like this series a lot. Mostly because they can be relatable. I also like that they are based off her life. This one makes me think about my siblings and how annoying they are sometimes, just like the authors.

Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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I finally read this exceptionally popular middle grade graphic novel. Of course it was great.

Semi-autobiographical, Raina captures her own experience as a young person with anxiety and IBS.

I loved the anxiety illustrations especially in this story.

LiteraryinPA I related so much to this book and thought it was so well done. I just love her work! 3y
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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#SpringSentiments Day 29: #Timorous is the word that comes to mind when I see this book cover. Cannot wait to read it!

Eggs Great choice 📚🧡📚 3y
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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I realized last year I read the first two of these and that our library didn‘t have this or it was checked out and I found it tonight on my online library so I checked it out. Not bad. I like the easy that are graphic novels. All about stomach issues and anxiety. Which is comical and real so I appreciate that. If you have a spare 30 mins, it‘s fun for sure. I love the artwork the best!

pehtinhenry@psoebrookside.org I love this book. Thanks for making it. 😁 4y
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Ryder Holthe
Guts | Scholastic

This is on the book Guts.
I was reading this book and around halfway, I noticed that we can easily relate to each other.
She has so much stress that she gets to the point where she feels sick. For a while, she couldn't talk to anyone, but near the end, she started having people to talk to. which was the biggest point that I could relate to.

She also has friends that later on move away or make new friends--which has happened to me.
Rate: 10/10

Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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The third in the Smile series. These are great for middle graders and I‘ll be watching for new releases from this author.

Guts | Scholastic

I‘m reading the book guts I like this book because the pictures are really detailed and I like this book because I like picture books

Cfischbuch She‘s a pretty great author isn‘t she. What are you thinking about reading next? 4y
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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I have been trying to read this book since its release last September, but every time I went to pick it up off the library shelf I‘ve turned around to find some kid giving me doe-eyes until I have no choice but to hand it over 🥺 Well, there‘s no kids to take it from me now!

TracyReadsBooks We have a similar problem in our library—we can‘t keep this one on our shelves! 5y
Branwen Same in my library too! The kids love this one! Even though we have multiple copies we can't keep them on the shelves! 5y
Annl Great story! One of the grandchildren has it so I read it in one sitting. 5y
Buechersuechtling I have no idea who the author is or what this book deals with but the cover cover also attracts me. I can imagine that kids want to read it – and before my inner eyes I see them queuing up in front of you with with hangdog looks to ask for this book. 5y
diovival Thank you for this laugh. 😂 5y
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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I bought this book for my anxious 10 year old boy. He hasn't read it yet because it is about a girl. This is about to become reading for the rest of the month. 4⭐

Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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1. Mostly, Dead Astronauts right now. I'm leaning towards bailing on Highfire.. it's not exactly catching my interest.
2. Enemies to lovers are deff my fave!
3. I think it was Guts, as a random gift to my oldest but maybe I've gotten a board book for the youngest more recently?

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

Guts | Scholastic
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i‘ve read all of the books in the series, and guts did not disappoint! the story went slightly backwards in time to fourth grade ish, and it was interesting to see what happened circa elementary school! if you enjoy raina telgemeier‘s other books, i would highly recommend guts.

Guts | Scholastic
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Advice for avoiding IBS symptoms...

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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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This book was so good! As a little kid (and still as an adult) I would get so stressed out about things and it would take its toll on my body. I so wish that I would have had a book like this to show me that I wasn‘t alone or that something was wrong with me. I so highly recommend this book, it is a quick read and has an amazing plot!

SconsinBookyBadger Adding this to my stack. 📚 5y
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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Cute and very relatable! I still struggle with anxiety issues and it would've been nice if I'd gotten the help like Raina did as a kid, but whatever. My oldest daughter liked it and gave it to me to read.

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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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A cute ya graphic novel about anxiety and how friendships change.

Reviewsbylola These books are super popular at our school library. They‘re always checked out! 5y
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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What an excellent way of explaining what I call “nervous tummy”! Like Raina, my nervousness has gone straight to my guts almost all my life. It only got worse when I was diagnosed with celiac disease at 35 when I started to have a “legitimate” reason to be in the bathroom. Like Raina, therapy helped, but it still hasn‘t gone away.

This is a great MG book for kids feeling weird about being anxious or being in therapy.

Eggs Always wondered about this book. My sister had celiac, so I‘m somewhat familiar. Do you have a pretty restrictive regimen re: food? 5y
Megabooks @Eggs Yes very. I can rarely eat out and then only a few places. We have to be very careful in the kitchen, read a lot of labels etc. The book isn‘t about celiac. That‘s just part of my personal experience. 5y
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Guts | Scholastic
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This is my new favorite book by Telgemeier. Honestly, what made it for me was the author's note after the graphic novel ends. Mindfulness is a huge buzz word in education today, but it can be difficult to discuss anxiety in terms that children will understand. This is a great resource to use.

Guts | Scholastic

One of her best works! The story didn‘t go all over the place. Would want to read again

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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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I quite liked this latest graphic memoir from Raina Telgemeier. Her memoirs are relatable and yet distinct. I like her art style and visual storytelling.

(My nine-year-old read it the day it came out and has reread it numerous times since. I highly recommend it for the tween set.)

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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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Loved this book! I I love how Raina speaks about her anxiety and fears with courage, honesty, and humor.

Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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This could be a useful book for some young readers. But the treatment of bullying was frustrating. It isn‘t the responsibility of the bullied to “make friends” with their bullies. That‘s something authorities say to absolve themselves of responsibility. Recognizing the humanity of their victims would cost bullies too much. They‘d have to see themselves too. They‘ll say “It was just a joke. Why can‘t you take a joke” instead.

Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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The Scholastic book fair is going on this week at school. Yesterday we scooped up four graphic novels and these two were reading before I even pulled out of my parking spot. They both finished before bed. Love love LOVE them 🥰

Schlinkles Love this! 5y
Bookzombie 💗 5y
Kaylamburson So fun! What else did they pick up besides Guts? 5y
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gibblr @Kaylamburson Babysitter‘s Club #7, Making Friends #2, and Clem Hetherington and the Ironwood Race 5y
Kaylamburson Such great choices!! 5y
dragondrool I've liked all of the Telgemeier books. They're hot commodities at our middle school. 5y
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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Another winner from Raina Telgemeier! Here she talks about her stomach issues that result in part from anxiety issues and her early experiences in therapy to help manage it all.

Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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Raina Telgemeier's graphic memoir Guts is another perfect entry in her book for upper elementary or middle-grade readers. (My twelve-year-old son--one of his bookshelves is pictured here--got to this one before I did and devoured it.) Raina tells the story of her early bouts with anxiety and with the physical symptoms she experiences as a result. (continued in comments)

UnabridgedPod She's honest about the way her anxiety complicates her friendships but also about the way she learns to live with her condition. Telgemeier also shows the benefits that she experienced from therapy, which helps her to understand why she's feeling what she's feeling and how to begin to deal with those feelings. Another excellent read! 5y
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Guts | Scholastic
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My souvenirs for this weekend from The Bookstore in Lenox, MA.

Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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Twelfth book of maternity leave. I have emetophobia too!

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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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Raina Telgemeier is at the top of her craft. The main character (Raina as a 10-year-old) navigates family and school as she starts to contend with anxiety that stems from and also exacerbates some digestive problems. To be honest, I relate to so much of Raina‘s story, down to her childhood fear of germs and getting sick. My stress level still greatly impacts how my stomach feels. This book really normalizes something that many people go through.

LA_Mead Ooh I really want to read that one! 5y
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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I love this dedication page.

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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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This was my first Telgemeier book. It did not disappoint! This is a very honest graphic novel memoir that discusses anxiety and therapy along with all the other difficulties of just trying to get by in middle school. I am excited to explore more of her work.

madamereadsalot1 She's my daughter's favorite! I want to get her this one for Xmas. 5y
MrsBridges My students are obsessed. Many of them have read each of her books several times. I loved Ghosts. I‘m patiently waiting for my turn to read Guts, we have 3 copies and every time one gets returned it‘s checked out to a new student with in the half hour! (edited) 5y
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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Another great book by Raina! I loved learning more about her childhood and what she went through to learn more about her body. It‘s a great teaching method for young readers and provides insight on how to tackle your feelings.

Guts | Scholastic
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My girls have read all of Telgemeier‘s graphic novels. This was my first. Based on the NYT book review on this and the hype around all her books I was expecting a bit more. Especially on the anxiety topic.. But it was her personal story and told in an honest and entertaining way.

Tamra She appeals to both my son and daughter! 5y
ephemeralwaltz What age range would you recommend these for? I work in the children's section in a bookstore but still struggling to get ages right! 5y
MelissaSue81 @ephemeralwaltz - my girls are 8 and 10. I would say 7-8 all the way up to 12-13? This one has some talk of puberty/periods.. but nothing inappropriate. 5y
ephemeralwaltz @MelissaSue81 thanks so much! 5y
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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Our library took for.ev.er to get Guts in and processed and sent out to the holds. But someone is happy it‘s here!! She dropped what she was doing and picked it up immediately.

LibrarianRyan Ahhhh 5y
Susanita She spoke at the National Book Festival, and it was delightful. 5y
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Guts | Scholastic
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The book guts is about how she has been having stomach issues. Raina felt insecure and scared. Along the way of feeling like this she figured out that she has a fear of vomit. Raina felt along and like people would thing she was a freak because she has as stomach issue. Then later she finally tells her friends and they don‘t think she‘s a freak. I recommend this book to anyone who likes graphic novels.

MissYaremcio Great review Brooke! I would have loved to see you include the photo and the tone of the book as well! 5y
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Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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Excellent. Can‘t wait to get a copy for my classroom! Love a good non fiction GN!

Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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I found this graphic novel today and am looking forward to reading it. From what I‘ve seen so far, I think this story is going to reflect my own childhood struggles with Anxiety. 💜
#graphicnovel #middlegrade #anxiety

Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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I'm lucky that my Monday morning diner averts their eyes when I cry when I'm reading. This is a wonderful book for readers of all ages. How I wish I had this book when I was growing up. Luckily, I can suggest this book to people looking for a good read!

Guts | Raina Telgemeier
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#booked2019 Summer prompts

alisiakae Guts! That's on my daughter's bday wish list, although I'm kinda surprised she hasn't used her spending money to buy it already. 😂 5y
tjwill @4thhouseontheleft My daughter (8yo) loved it! I got an advance copy at the ALA conference this summer, so maybe 10 of my middle schoolers borrowed that copy and read it before it released. They loved that! We have lots of Raina Telgemeier fans at our school. 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job!! 5y
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