#quotsyfeb19 #Solzhenitsyn #greatC20thnovels
For me flawed in places, but still one of the greatest novels of the 20th Century 😊
#quotsyfeb19 #Solzhenitsyn #greatC20thnovels
For me flawed in places, but still one of the greatest novels of the 20th Century 😊
After 5 yrs in the freelance market, I‘ve come onboard a media company as a Production Coordinator! It‘s exciting, face-paced and intense but my reading has slacked off in the past 2 weeks. I finally figured out that I need to schedule reading time and parse books out to get my fix. With that in mind, I‘m starting this now but don‘t expect to finish it until mid-January 2019!
And I know *nothing* about it now so I‘ll keep you posted...
Reading outside in the sun ☀️
October 2017 (today at least) feels more like August, than August did... 😊
I have been reading this one for a while now. Lots of Russian politics wich make it a bit slow, but interesting (and also a Russian novel I think).
Book haul part 1! 😁