The numbers marched across the page in a glory all their own.
#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl
The numbers marched across the page in a glory all their own.
#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl
#WWI #codebreakers #spies
Well written historical novel of Room 40, the Intelligence gathering room devoted to cracking German coded missives. Margot de Wilde, a is a unique character in that she makes sense of her word in numbers & mathematical equations.she thrives in this environment. Themes & issues of war & its impact on relationship, friendship, trust, secrets, lies,violence,loss, love, revenge & hope all incorporated in the novel.
#codebreakers #WWI #porchlife
It‘s early morning, time for coffee and a book before I start work. I do like my 9:00 am start with long distance teaching. HS students are not up until later in the day which suits my biorhythm. I love teaching HS students but our 7:00 start is deadly for me! The students show up at 7:30 tired as well, clutching coffee. It‘s the age old quandary- they should switch with elementary, who arrive an hour later. ☕️📚
Margot De Wilde proves a capable, strong-willed, brilliant heroine as she works to decrypt German messages in Room 40. She may not relate well to the ladies her own age, but that does not stop Drake Elton from pursuing her heart with all he‘s got. As they work together to thwart the lurking danger, the romance that grows between them is completely precious, tugging at all the emotions. #jumpstart2020
The Number of Love will transport you three years into the Great War taking you on a journey back to 1917 where we meet England‘s greatest assets, their intelligence workers, threes field agents risk their lives to gather information, and the code breakers are able to crack every German Telegram. One that thrives in the secret environment of Room 40 is Margot De Wilde, she spends her time in that room...
You know those stories that leave you satisfied and sad at the same time? Satisfied because the book is good in every way. Sad because the final page has been read, but you‘re just not ready for the adventure to be over. Yeah, this is exactly the kind of story The Number of Love is. This book is so excellent I can‘t help but be excited for the future novels in this series.
“The numbers marched across the page in a glory all their own.” Opening line of The Number of Love by Roseanna M. White Being a lover of mathematics and, by extension, codebreaking, this book‘s plot appealed immediately! Spies, decryption and an intelligent female lead? Yes please! Add Roseanna White as the author and it‘s a winning formula! Margot, codebreaker extraordinaire, fast became one of my favourite fictional characters.
Happy #bookbirthday to @roseannamwhite 📖🎂
The first in her newest series is released today.⠀
#TheCodebreakers #TheNumberofLove #NowAvailable #amreading #christianfiction #newfiction #historicalfiction #worldwar1fiction #ww1fiction #newbooks
Look for my review, coming soon.
Two books on my TBR list are available today. Which would you choose first?
Lots of giveaways for me to enter this morning ~ a marvelous Monday
Happy to be a Launch Team member. The main character in this was introduced in a previous series. It‘ll be good to see how she‘s developed since her first appearance.