Well i don't know about you but i would not remember any phone number from memory now... 🤣🤣🤣
Well i don't know about you but i would not remember any phone number from memory now... 🤣🤣🤣
This unsettling novel felt like a 1970s Twilight Zone episode. Jason Taverner, famous musician and TV personality, wakes up in a shabby hotel room. No one knows who he is and he has no ID, a serious problem in a police state where ID is mandatory. The ultimate explanation was interesting but I didn't love this one--it left a bad taste and short as it was, it was a relief when it ended.
1. Greece and The Philippines. I did have plans, but now everything is on hold until next year.
2. I'm grateful that I still have a job (even when I complain about it), my health and that I have an abundance of books to enjoy.
@audraelizabeth @Buechersuechtling @ReadingIsMyHobby @Onceuponatime @TheBookDream @Daisey @Bookishlie
#thankfulthursday @Cosmos_Moon
“Grief reunites you with what you've lost. It's a merging; you go with the loved thing or person. You follow it a far as you can go. But finally, the grief goes away and you phase back into the world. you don't ever completely come back from where you went - a fragment broken off your pulsing, pumping heart is there still. A cut that never heals.”
#AyUpAugust | 1: #CryMeARiver
📷: Made with Typorama
My brother calls me Trash.....
Tagged 👍🏻
Yes!! Sometimes the hype sets up unrealistic expectations and then I feel let down. Either have to read right after publication or leave for a while!
I can be seduced into buying a book by the cover...it won‘t change my mind about what I think about the book though.
Anyone who hasn‘t played 😁
Thanks for tag @Birdsong28
#wondrouswednesday (sorry it‘s late!)
This doesn‘t go on my list of PKD favorites. This one is a bit of a mess- like I said in an earlier post; amateur psycho-babble with strong unhinged chauvinistic overtones, dragged through a myriad of plot holes; usually a huge fan of PKD, maybe this is just where my head is at in early 2019! Happy New Year everybody!
(1975) Television celebrity Jason Taverner wakes up in a cheap dingy hotel room, to a world where he doesn't exist. Nobody recognizes him, and even his closest friends and aquaintances have never heard of him. It's an unsettling piece of near-future science fiction that unravels into speculation about the relationship between perception and reality. It's among my favorites of PKD's works.
This is oddly enjoyable though I'm finding it hard to make any sense of. What between the layman's psycho-babble, the chauvinistic tough-guy noir cliche, and made up words (quibble? and thungly?) I certainly know I'm not in Kansas anymore... and like our protagonist Jason (on a quest like his Argonaut namesake) I'm wondering how this will all turn out!
My boyfriend is reading this book right now and when he got to this part he had to show me this quote 😂 #BOTM mentioned in a book!
#madworld #lyricalapril
So it's a mad world and tears (for fears).....😀
This ought to be Heart of Darkness, cuz all I can say is, "The horror! The horror!" #uglybookcover #uglybookcovers #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading
It's my last day of freedom before the semester starts so I'm trying to finish a bunch of things today, and this was first on the list. It's not my favorite by PKD, and I actually pretty much hated it until the last three chapters or so, but the ending was pretty good. I've read others by him I liked far better so this won't put me off reading more.