Decided to upgrade for no other reason than I wanted a little bigger screen. So far… I‘m loving it!!! The faster page turns are awesome. Love the new paperwhite!
Decided to upgrade for no other reason than I wanted a little bigger screen. So far… I‘m loving it!!! The faster page turns are awesome. Love the new paperwhite!
Took advantage of prime day and got me this pretty paperwhite😍
Thursday night I was complaining to my husband while he was at work that my kindle was being really glitchy - the battery has been running down really fast and it keeps randomly restarting itself. I mentioned ordering a new one once school is back in session and I‘m getting a paycheck again.
Well, look what the UPS lady brought me today! 😍😍😍 I think I‘m going to keep him (and the new kindle 😉)
😭😭😭😭😭 Why must I wait?
Saw this deal just now on Instagram. It is a pretty sweet price for the new waterproof, flush screen Kindle with Audible. Just sharing if anyone is in the market for a new e-reader.
Repost for @dariazeoli this is a great idea and of course is perfect for the holidays but also anytime you want to send a friend a little treat
Last year, @JoeStalksBeck compiled a list of Littens with a Kindle or the Kindle app so we could gift each other books! I thought I‘d keep the tradition going! I‘m calling it #kindlitsy
See her original post for her email 😊
SOS! I have had my kindle plugged in for a couple hours and just noticed the light at the bottom hasn‘t changed to green. Also it has not changed from the screen above 🚨I looked it up and did as google said “ hold button for 7 seconds and wait for screen to pop up to say Reset” but it doesn‘t change from this screen. Anyone know?? @LibrarianRyan
So this happened when I went to go take my muffins out of the oven..just waiting.... Crown of Midnight coming soon...hopefully.