Grabbing a couple pages in between watching the eclipse! We‘re going to be in 98% totality here so came to a local park by the mouth of Lake Huron to watch
Grabbing a couple pages in between watching the eclipse! We‘re going to be in 98% totality here so came to a local park by the mouth of Lake Huron to watch
The latest installment in the Fixer-Upper series includes a little bit of a plot twist.. what will the next book bring?
I started this one yesterday. I‘m already 84 pages in. They‘re so good but they‘re over so quickly!
I took some time out of my to-do list today and went to Barnes and Noble to spend my birthday/Christmas gift cards. This is my #bookhaul!
Two are travel guides for a trip I‘ve been thinking about for years. Twelfth Night for the #ShakespeareReadalong. A yoga meditations book. And four cozy mysteries. One of which is the latest in a series I keep up with (tagged). The others are all new to me. Yay gift cards and rainy days at the book store!
Well my coffee cup has seen better days (it used to be all green - apparently they were serious when they said not to put it in the dishwasher), but I'm loving this book. The Fixer Upper series is one of my favorites. I just wish the Hallmark people had done a better job with the movie version. And picked someone besides Jewel for the lead.
Shannon was a great character! It was great to feel Shannon‘s enthusiasm for spending time with her sister, Chloe, & being a part of her sister‘s DIY show. I was glad that Chloe‘s inner turmoil regarding her return to her hometown was discussed early on & that it blended in nicely with the mystery that took place. Shannon as a sleuth was convincing even with some over the top moments. Full review at www.thegenreminx.com #TheGenreMinxBookReviews