This book would be good to use if you are introducing the flow of stories. After looking at this book, students could work to create their own wordless stories.
This book would be good to use if you are introducing the flow of stories. After looking at this book, students could work to create their own wordless stories.
Museum Trip by Barbara Lehman is a book that follows a little boy on his field trip to the museum. The illustrations help students follow along with the story, specifically with the use of different shapes and lines. The lines help to give dimension and help the reader feel the choppiness of an actual museum as you go from room to room. The shapes help the reader to distinguish between different doorways and art works.
#OctoberPutASpellOnYou Day 21: A young boy was left behind by his entire class while on a #museum tour because he stooped down for a few minutes to tie his shoelaces. When he looked up, lo and behold, the entire class was gone. Instead of panicking, our young boy looks around and finds a ‘secret passageway‘ that leads to a room filled with ancient mazes in a glasscase. My full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-1ij