Currently reading
Some of these were really funny.
Book 118/165 4/5/19
I‘m just going to leave this right here...
Super funny and a little too relatable when it comes to dealing with emotions and mental health and just life itself. Great short read.
That‘s a little too relatable
I have lived in mortal fear of this one page of this comic since I read it because it nearly killed me. I choke-laughed and then coughed for 15 minutes all because of this damn page. I couldn't /breathe/. But I feel like I won't be able to show how brilliant this is unless I show you my Page of Fear, so here it is. This entire book is /full/ of stuff like this. And millennial fears and mental health-related things and it's just /good/. And /fun/.
Had a good few months of reading and have reached my revised reading challenge for the year.
This book made me laugh out loud almost immediately! It has a zesty, wicked humor that I love. I used to draw sassy little stick figures in a variety of situations and this is that concept to the nth degree. Not only was it funny, but it contained so much truth about life. You may be laughing, but you are also nodding along as you recognize yourself on these cartoon characters. The squishy emotions are my favorite!