First day of water aerobics; my entire body is sore in a good way.
With some sun this azalea will pop!
First day of water aerobics; my entire body is sore in a good way.
With some sun this azalea will pop!
The most obvious thing to say about this book is that it is beautiful, because it is. Reading it, I felt lost in the beauty of Samatar‘s sentences, sometimes so much so that I lost sight of the story for the language in which it was told. And yet, by the end, I was there. And captivated.
“I dream of a way of remembering that would not leave a scar. I dream of a way of forgetting that would not mean destruction, burial, loss.”
“For the memorial does not preserve the memory of suffering, but rather transforms it into habit.”
I jumped on the TBR Bingo bandwagon in the wee bookish bullet journal I set up tonight. It's only a 4x4 grid because it really is a teensy notebook, but I'm looking forward to the extra kick in the pants.
This book is just about perfect: the characters, the structure, the sense of history and culture, and above all the prose, which has a poetic bell-like quality that I'm entirely in love with. #diversebooks #favoritebooks
Sofia Samatar's writing makes me want to just live in her prose.
one of my #novembertbr. I really want to like these books and I can't. I hate to say it's pretentious, but that's kind of the vibe I got 😕. not for me. sorry about my thumb!
"Yours is a negative kingdom." Been swamped with work, but as soon as this arrived I couldn't resist. Sofia Samatar is my weakness.
Samatar blew me away in "A Stranger in Oolondria" with her gorgeous, literary approach to fantasy. In "Histories", she again flourishes her prose to great effect, fleshing out the politics and folklore of her world. A sequel as good or better than its predecessor.