Barn in gouache
Barn in gouache
#ManicMonday #LetterB
Book: Big Red Barn
Author:Margaret Wise Brown
Band:(The) Band
Song:Brown Eyed Girl
Thanks for the tag @EadieB
tagging @Mitch @Blueberry @sprainedbrain @Gissy
The grandbaby and I have been playing farm and reading one of his favorite books. 🐴🐏🐷🐮🐔
Start ‘em young, right Littens? Trying to be sure we fit in read aloud time every day, even though she‘s only 2 months old. This is one I somehow missed in my childhood (strange because my mom read me so many others by the same author)—it‘s a good one. Can‘t wait to see my girl interact with the story and pictures more as she gets older. #raisingreaders
Friday library day with the kid! And together we read a giant book called Big Red Barn filled with adorable animals partying on the farm 😉👍 The kiddo approved ☺️
#bigredbarn #toddlerbooks #toddlerlife #mommylife #toddler
Currently one of my favorite children's books. Something about this book is so soothing to me. The rhythm and cadence are wonderful. Seems like the red-headed stepchild to Brown's big hit Good Night Moon but I'm a much bigger fan of this book.