Jinn is helping me to keep warm while reading. I have to read this one in little bits, not only because I have a concussion, but there is a lot to think about in here.
Jinn is helping me to keep warm while reading. I have to read this one in little bits, not only because I have a concussion, but there is a lot to think about in here.
We be here on vacation, reading and relaxing. All that's missing is the gin.
Looking forward to reading this. It takes place just up the road from me, a century ago.
Starting this today. Shown with the chosen bookmark of three muses.
I have a love of Harry Dresden not because of the Urban Fantasy, but because he reminds me of Archie Goodwin from Rex Stout's mysteries!
These shelves are filled with my favorite books. Travels with Charlie is among them.
I love this book. This specific book. The work itself is wonderful, but this is a book I loaned to several friends and my mom. We all wrote our thoughts in it as we read. It is full of the writing of people I love. It is the kind of book which provokes you to write notes.
I wish we could tag two or more books. Has anyone read these? They came into my home by serendipity and looked interesting enough to try.
My Early Reviewer book from LibraryThing came! This sounds so "me." Can't wait to read it, but have to finish one or two others first.
After all the chapters about sex and bodily function euphemisms, which i thought would never end, this book became interesting and enlightening. To see how substitute words can obscure an agenda, or perhaps show compassion, was interesting indeed.
Further in her speech, "Never, O never, do his ghost the wrong - To hold your honour more precise and nice, with others than with him!" Atta girl!
I will finish this today. I will. After reading the book on euphemisms, pretty sure I should be blushing at this passage.
Another of my all time favorite books. Gothic suspense at its best. The old cover is from the paperback my grandmother Nora had which was falling apart. I found it in the back of her cupboard after grandpa died. The only other book besides the Bible and children's books in her home.
Wild alium lilies inspired my "End of the World" Gibson.
My favorite mystery writer of all, Dorothy L. Sayers. A woman of intelligence, bold for her times in her faith and her personal life. Not a perfect woman, but one who never fails to teach me when I read her works, be they mysteries, Christian exposition or just letters to acquaintances.
Another of my favorite books. This one is about the conflicts between the Communists and the Catholic Church in Italy after WWII. As personified in the priest, Don Camillo, and his Communist opposite. Very funny, and yet great for showing the different world views. The other book here is so funny it makes you cry, but Litsy doesn't have a record of it yet. Both are heartwarming as well as funny.
I love all the Tolkien books. Especially when illustrated by Alan Lee or John Howe.
I am playing the game of posting covers of my favorite books for 7 days on FB. I start with its one because Tolkien rules my heart in the fantasy genre.
This cookbook is rich and colorful. The aromas of spices almost float off the pages as you read. Beautiful photography and interesting information about the cuisine of Africa. I read it years ago, and finally got around to trying a recipe tonight. Since there were eggs and chicken, it seemed appropriate. Delicious! Not difficult, either.
One of my current reads. A slow read, and sometimes anger-making because it points out how we avoid our bad actions by calling them obscure names.
I have a shelf full of these types of classics. This year I picked 12 of them to taste. For the month of March it was El Cid, by Corneille and Andromache, by Racine. I was pleasantly surprised by the dramas, enjoyed them! Also reading Henry IV, part 2. If there is time, I will read Britannicus.
Here are some of the quick thoughts from my reading journal, misspellings and all. So many fine quotes I decided to keep the book, read it again sometime and underline them.
I am not a huge fan of stories about teens, but this is one of the fine ones.
I am amused. When I look at my profile, it shows the title of my two current reads.
"It must have been something I ate, Turtles all the way down."
Now I'm hungry.
This is a simple book, with lots of recipes and easy to follow instructions. Love it.
Beginning a day of recovery reading. Recovering my health, my reading mojo and my peace of mind. Hope this book will be the one that does it.
Okay. Virgin post here. I love fermenting vegetables to save the produce of the season. Pickled asparagus, first attempt.