Self-Care for Introverts: 17 Soothing Rituals for Peace in a Hectic World | Barrie Davenport
Do you crave alone time and feel physically and emotionally drained? Do you ruminate so much your brain aches and find that just want to escape? If you (1) have no tolerance for small talk and socializing, (2) feel agitated, foggy, and overwhelmed, and (3) want to reenergize so you can be centered and sociable again, this book is for you -- written by an introvert just like you. Self-Care for Introverts gives you the tools to put yourself first so you can thrive and use your innate gifts to your advantage. It's good to put yourself first and give yourself some TLC. Introverts often feel guilty about taking care of their own needs for solitude and self-nurturing, especially when it seems everyone else is wired differently. You try so hard to "fake" your way as an extrovert, but it's exhausting and unnatural. Fortunately, a new view of introversion confirms how valuable this personality type is in work environments, relationships, and society. Practicing self-care is a way of showing respect for yourself so you can be your best for others too. Self-care tactics for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Self-Care for Introverts leads you on a path to self-awareness of your unique needs and why you must pull back to recharge and restore when your extroverted friends are still going strong. You'll be prepared with specific, actionable ideas for taking proper care of your body, mind, and spirit so you can return to work and life with joy and vitality -- and enjoy socializing on your terms. DOWNLOAD:: Self-Care for Introverts: 17 Soothing Rituals for Peace in a Hectic World Self-Care for Introverts is an invaluable handbook with ideas for: -Optimizing your unique health needs that are different from extrovert needs. -Creating your ideal introvert diet for your values and health. -Pampering your body and psyche to stay balanced and feel renewed. -Creating soothing spaces at home for recharging. -Celebrating your creative longings and desire for meaning. -Managing guilt, rumination, and mental clutter. -Protecting your time and energy so you aren't sapped and overwhelmed. Self-Care for IntrovertsSelf-Care for Introverts is full of exercises that will have an immediate, positive impact on your mindset and well-being. Instead of just telling you to do something, this book provides practical, science-backed actions that can create real and lasting change if practiced regularly.