Kindness, wonder, and unconditional love were the hallmarks of Fred Rogers‘ legacy. What greater lesson is there for our children to absorb? Just be kind
Kindness, wonder, and unconditional love were the hallmarks of Fred Rogers‘ legacy. What greater lesson is there for our children to absorb? Just be kind
Loved loved his show as a child. Love that this book explored his faith. Fred Rogers was an incredible man!
Everything in this book that comes straight from Fred Rogers is amazing. I am an agnostic, & if every Christian were like Mister Rogers I would have zero problem with Christianity. The way the author organized the book detracts from the message. Toast sticks? Whut?! It‘s like she‘s trying to make it Chicken Soup for the Soul, & Mister Rogers deserves better. Read this if you can appreciate the message without being distracted by the messenger.
Individuation is a Jungian term which refers to a lifelong process of integrating influences and instincts that make a person whole, a discovery of uniqueness. ...also... the idea that we become who we were meant to be, by design, not just who we think we should be.
A bunch of my holds finally came in but this is the only one I‘ll have time for thanks to the move.
1: sunset on the Mississippi River
2: Jesse coulter and Waylon Jennings in the 1970s
3: picking at my nails
4: Ozark
5: tagged
#humpdaypost @MinDea
This was a quick read and gave me the warm fuzzies. Mr. Rogers was a very wise man and we could all take a cue from him. This book is full of little tidbits of wisdom. I plan on letting Jace watch Mr. Rogers when he is a bit older. 4⭐️
Listened to the audio of this book. It was a nice short audiobook and I enjoyed learning more about mister Rogers. The author narrated it so it‘s not as polished as other audiobooks I‘ve listened to.
I grew up watching Mr. Rogers Neighborhood and I learned so much from it. This is a great book to learn more about him and his faith.
It‘s Red Nose Day today in the USA. As a pharmacist for Walgreens, it‘s one of our favorite fundraising charities. Fighting hard to end child poverty, one nose at a time! Also, who taught us better than Mister Rogers how to treat our neighbors? Plus, #redcover so, win/win. 😁🔴 #noseson #everyonecounts #rednoseday #rednosedayusa
Even though this was one of the only things on my wishlist, I still cried when I opened this tonight. I just love Mr Fred McFeely Rogers so MUCH. He was such an uncommonly good and gentle man. We weren't worthy!
Waking up to news of yet more unfathomable violence, I turn again to Mister Rogers for words of en-courage-ment.