@Leftcoastzen See now, you made me want to get all my Paladin PKD mainstream books out to relish the wonderfulness of their Americana cover art 😍 #BlameItOnLinda 😄
@Leftcoastzen See now, you made me want to get all my Paladin PKD mainstream books out to relish the wonderfulness of their Americana cover art 😍 #BlameItOnLinda 😄
hi, litsy friends! 👋🏻 i need your help/advice/opinions..... have any of you ordered from book depository before? they have some hard-to-find PKD books that i‘ve been looking for, but it looks like the company doesn‘t have the best reviews. i know they‘re owned by amazon, so i was surprised to see such negative reviews. what has your experience been with them? i need these books but i don‘t want to get scammed! 😬 thanks in advance! 🙂💜
“Guilt is useless. The world torments us, and we react by tormenting ourselves. I wonder how we can ever have such a low opinion of ourselves that we join in.”
Published posthumously in 1985, written in 1957, this is one of PKD's early-ish novels, and one of his "mainstream" books, rather than a science-fiction work. For those familiar with PKD, there is much that will be familiar. His main protagonist, Roger, is a working man, feeling brow-beaten by a society he feels does not recognise his potential, dissatisfied with his marriage and with life in general. ????