Women in STEM is something I will represent in my future classroom. This book does a great job at empowering young girls with the story of how Catherine saved the Apollo 13 space mission!
Women in STEM is something I will represent in my future classroom. This book does a great job at empowering young girls with the story of how Catherine saved the Apollo 13 space mission!
“Katherine yearned to know as much as she could about numbers, about the universe – about everything!”
This biography is a good thing to talk about with young students as during the time period it takes place in, women and African-American people were typically discriminated against, but Katherine Johnson is someone who impacted America greatly at a time when she was not taken as seriously as she should‘ve been.
Counting on Katherine (2018) by Helaine Becker is a biography about Katherine Johnson who was an African-American mathematician who worked for NASA. Katherine worked for NASA during the space race and was the mathematician who made sure the Apollo 13 was safely returned home from the moon landing. Her contributions to NASA while she worked there are very important.
“I counted on the numbers. And the numbers never lied”
I wouldn‘t use this book in my classroom
I had always been interested in learning more about Apollo 13. This is a great book for that
The bold story of Katherine Johnson, an African-American mathematician who worked for NASA during the space race and was depicted in the film Hidden Figures. You've likely heard of the historic Apollo 13 moon landing. But do you know about the mathematical genius who made sure that Apollo 13 returned safely home?
A very easy read aloud for primary grades with an accurate and exciting story that children will love.
This is a very inspiring story of a african american woman who worked for nasa during the space race. The message in this book is great for children and shows what kind of heroes people can be.
“Counting on Katherine” is a B/NF , PB that was a Cook Prize winner in 2019. This awesome book emphasizes the importance of a African American woman in 1961. Katherine Johnson calculated the trajectory of NASA‘s first trip into space. This would be an great RA to bring out during space exploration. Teachingbooks.net offfers a link to a lesson plan, students can build their own straw rockets and try to get them to the finish line. #UCFLAE3414SP20
“I counted everything. I counted the steps to the road, church...anything that could be counted, I did.”
I would use this book to give my students a representation of women in history and science.
This biography portrays the life of Katherine Johnson who was a mathematician. The author make a bigger emphasis on all that she accomplished than the hardships she faced such as racism and sexism. I loved how this book incorporates both her small and large accomplishments throughout her career.
“She counted the steps to the road.”
I can show this book when the moon landing date is coming up. I also could show bits of the film “Hidden Figures” because it ties with this story.
“Counting on Katherine” was written by Helaine Becker in 2018. This influential biography discusses Katherine Johnson, who made a major impact on NASA, as an African American women. I really really enjoyed this
This book is an great example of biographies because it tells the true story of Katherine. It also tells extra facts about her in the back of the book.
I would read this to my class if we were learning about space or important women in our history. The story of Katherine is amazing.
“Katherine's boundless curiosity turned her into a star student.“
#MayMovieMagic Day 13: A #SpaceOddity prompted the brightest (almost-exclusively-male) minds to ask Katherine Johnson‘s help given her brilliance. This story focuses primarily on Johnson‘s precocity, passion for maths, the fact that she first worked as a teacher because there were few opportunities for an African American woman like her at the time, notwithstanding her evident talent and skill in her field. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-jSb
Counting on Katherine (B) by Helaine Beeker and illustrated by Dow Phumiruk, won the Vermont Red Clover Master List award in 2017. This picture book tells the story of how Katherine Johnson save the Apollo 13 mission. #LAE3414sp19
When the Astronaut John Glenn asked for Katherine to check the numbers cuz he didn't trust the computer you know you are something special.
This authorized biography of mathematician Katherine Johnson (Hidden Figures) was a great story for grade schoolers. Following Johnson from her childhood through segregated schools, her early teaching career, and on to her remarkable career in NASA, ending with her work on Apollo 13.
This was a great introduction to a remarkable woman. Sources and “More about Katherine” follow for readers who need more.
This book is a must read not just for childen but adults as well. Time well spent! ♡♡♡
Brilliant women being written back into history! BRAVO!
Such a cute and informative picture book! A great addition to any classroom or library. Recommend it to kids interested in NASA, space exploration, and math!
WOW! That is one amazing lady.
Another great #childrensbook, this one about a woman who helped with the space program. Great illustrations, great #biography for children, and a wonderful way to show how useful math can be in a career.