This modern fantasy chapter book is a great book because it uses imagery to image what is happening in the book. The vivid descriptions of the fantasy world of Narnia is a place children can feel safe.
This modern fantasy chapter book is a great book because it uses imagery to image what is happening in the book. The vivid descriptions of the fantasy world of Narnia is a place children can feel safe.
I would read this as a whole class. I think it is a great book to help children learn to vision what the words are on the page. I also think it would help children learn to be creative in their writing.
This historical fiction book is great because it uses the past (1930's) to tell as story of a gardener. It uses the great depression as the time period and old letters that would have been sent to tell the story.
I would read this to a first grade classroom. I would read it in the springtime when it is around the time to plant flowers and plant gardens. I would also start plants with my children in the classroom as an activity.
This is a great representation of the genre because it is a story of what a family does when the provider of the house dies. It also shows happiness even in the roughest situations.
I would use this book in my classroom because it can show children that not everyone gets to live in a nice house with food and tv's. I think this could be read around thanksgiving time to help children be thankful for what they have.
This historical fiction book is not a good book to represent the genre because I think it is too vague and needs to do a better job getting the point of Christmas across to the readers.
This book I would not really like to keep in my classroom just because I think another book would do a better job at getting the point across.
Rocket to the Moon is a non fiction book that uses a comic style of writing which is appealing to young children. It also uses some humor within the factual text.
I would use this book in my classroom because it tells a great story about rockets and it also uses a comic style of writing which I think would be appealing to children around the first-second grades.
I think this non-fiction book is great. It uses both the past and present get its information about crayons across. It explains how they were thought of and how they are made. I think it represents the genre well because shares its sources and a biography about the creator of crayons in the back of the book.
“Color made him really, really happy.“
I would use this in my classroom because it tells the story about how the “crayon man“ came up with the idea of crayons and how they are made today. I think it would be interesting to the children because this is something they may use everyday and after reading this book they would know where they actually came from.
This is a great non-fiction book that uses facts to explain habitats and wild animals. It also has a section in the back full of more information. It uses vivid pictures to get the point of habitats across to the readers.
I would use this in my classroom as a reference about where animals live. I think students would like this book and would like to read it to gain knowledge on habitats and wild animals.
This non-fiction book uses something that happened in her life and turned it into a book. She was highly qualified to write about deportation. She also uses different points of views such as hers, her parents, and grandparents.
I would use this as a silent reader in a second-third grade classroom. It is a small chapter book and has great information about what it's like to get your parents deported from the United States.
“My mother's parents clung to their hope.“
This non-fiction book does fit in its genre because of the vivid and interesting use of words and it is approprate for the intended audience. It is a beginners chapter book, so it doesn't have pictures. It does include factual explanations of roadkill.
This is not a book I would supply in my classroom. To me, this book while reading it made me nauseated with all the guts and details of roadkill.
“There is was. Sprawled out on the pavement in front of me.“
This is a great non-fiction book. It uses facts which are backed up in the author's note in the back of the book. She also gives choctow symbols used in the long march as well as words. I think it is a great book.
I think that this is a great book to use in the classroom because the author used great words to retell what happened on the “trail of tears“. The illustrations are also beautiful.
“Tension filled the circle. The words had been effective. The silence stretched out.“
This non-fiction book is great because it uses true facts and the design of the book was to educate young readers about a point in history in words they can understand. It also contains a bibliography in the back of the book, which shares its references for the facts within the text of the book.
I would use this book in my classroom because it has great information about the Boston Tea Party. I think students could get a lot out of this book and the words are easy to comprehend.
“They demanded that the tea be shipped back to England, tax unpaid.“
This biography has a bibliography page in the back of the book, which makes it a great biography because you can fact check to make sure the information is true.
This would be a great addition to my library because it can help students learn more about babe Ruth. I also think kids would enjoy it and like to learn about him.
“There have been other great baseball players before and after him, but Babe Ruth was one of a kind.“
This biography can help children see a different view of a “famous“ person and they can see possiblities with their own lives.
This is a great biography to add to the classroom about a country star that grew up “poor as dirt“. It would be a great addition because it shows that you can be whom ever you want as long as you work for it.
This is a great biography written by Micheal Jordan's mom. She tells the story of when Micheal was ready to give up playing basketball. It tells the story with actual quotes of what was said.
I would add this book to my classroom library to spark imagination in children who may like basketball. This could help they enjoy reading.
“He was disappointed, and she could tell. “You guys lost again, huh?““.
This is a great example of a biography because it has several examples of important black men. It can help children understand the importance of our history. It also uses a fair and balanced approach on each biography.
This would be great to use as a resource in a classroom because it has biographies of important black men of our history. I would use this in my classroom by putting it in my resource library for anyone to read.
“To stay together, they needed to escape.“
This is a great book to use as a biography because it talks about the history of the USA and the space race, it can help students understand what it was like with race seperation and how it worked at NASA during this time.
I think this would be a great addition to any classroom because it explains the stories of four important women who helped NASA during the “space race“.
“They could not marry of a different race.“
This book has multiple people's biographies in it. I read the one about Harriett Tubman. It is a great example of a biography because it shows why Harriett is such an important person from our history and what happened in the underground railroad. It can help children grasp why the railroad was so important to slaves.
I would use this as a reference in my classroom for my students because it includes a lot of biographies of black women.