I‘m in that “short audiobook” stage of my reading challenge for the year 🙃 I‘ve been wanting to read this for a while - it was great. Really good book on the challenges of creativity. I took a lot of notes. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I‘m in that “short audiobook” stage of my reading challenge for the year 🙃 I‘ve been wanting to read this for a while - it was great. Really good book on the challenges of creativity. I took a lot of notes. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#BookNDinner! I reread this book at least once a year. It‘s an important book for creatives. Dinner: Tabboule with cacik/tzatziki yogurt mixed in. Perfectly paired with sparkling lemon cucumber water. Yum! 😋
#HealthyEats #ArtBooks
#BookNBrunch! Egg, melted cheese, & avocado sandwich on toasted peasant bread, paired with a delicious organic herbal tea.
I read this book every so often. It‘s an important one.
This has been another production of #MrBookBookBabeKitchen. Happy reads & happy eats!
While there are useful (and at times challenging) ideas to be taken away from Part 1, Part 2 seemed largely academic and I found little in it applicable to my own experience of art-making: some of the observations flatly contradicted it. I only realised after I finished it that the book was originally published in 1993. Maybe that's it! Some of the observations stand the test of time: others now look dated and, in some cases, inaccurate.
This one has been on my TBR list for ages (though not as long as it reputedly took the authors to write it). So far I have mixed feelings about it.
Nice quote on p. 139 of Flow Magazine issue 17.
#FunFridayPhoto: This book is very special to me and it's the one for which I'm most #thankful — it talks about how artists can get shut down down by fear and negativity, how that hampers our creativity and artistic freedom, and what we can do about it. This book makes me feel better any time I've hit an artistic roadblock. 🎨 🙌🏻 ...Oh, and tea. I'm also very thankful for tea. 😊🍵
Sharing this quote for #internationalartistsday! This book helps motivate to get creative and keep creating 🎨
When your highly intelligent child follows the artistic path instead of the expected doctor, lawyer, whatever, so many people say things like "well maybe he will get this out of his system and go back to college". This is what mothers of creatives know: "Those close to you know that making the work is essential to your well being".
Been a crazy two weeks! Too much work, not enough reading for fun and not enough writing. 😐 In serious need of some inspiration so I picked this one up after @MrBook recommended it. Need to get my groove back! 🤓
This book is amazing! It's a brief and quick read, but packs a wallop of an adrenalized punch! @BookBabe and I read it every New Years to remind us of our recent accomplishments and our many upcoming ones. It may say "Art" on the cover, and has a bent toward creatives, but anybody who holds hesitance, doubts, worries, fears, within yourself should pick this up. You only have one life, so let's do this already! Pair with: Jack Daniels, straight.
One of the best art books I've ever read. A must for creatives. 🎨