A different take on Avengers. It was a quick fun read. The illustrations were awesome. Still liking the original way better, but this is good for the newest generation I think.
A different take on Avengers. It was a quick fun read. The illustrations were awesome. Still liking the original way better, but this is good for the newest generation I think.
Great cast, but the voices feel off and the adventure feels fairly slight for a big first arc. The volume is big on the characters yelling at each other, but the action just didn‘t really click for me. That said, it is a great team and the art is consistently quite good. A lot of promise, but it isn‘t really all there yet.
Annnddd on to the next one! I LOVE Kamala and the female Thor and Vision and Miles Morales....basically everyone in the new group!
Love this title! Waid writing an Avengers team that's heavy on Vision? Yes! And not gonna lie: I love a lot of the other characters, but am in it for the sexytimes of Vision. (Meat is gross. Give me cars and robots and sleek things is metal, plz.) and Waid does a lot with V. Funny and action packed with a good deal of heart. One of my favorite Avengers series.
How human. And tragic for him.
His ex-wife has this to him, too. I hated her for a long tim for that. Unlike The Scarlet Witch, I doubt Kang will redeem himself.
Kinda love his smirk! My boss for my temp job is way late. Hanging out and waiting for her. Reading on my phone and overloading Litsy with updates!
See that woman? She's in mortal danger but gets to squeeze V. I'm so jealous of her!
I kinda love Lady Hammerpants!
Only if by 'creeping you out, you really mean 'turning you on. Then, yes, he is totally creeping me out. 😍😍😍. The worst part is I know he's being creepy since this is a reread. I find Creepy!Vision to be hot, too, though.
Only if by 'creeping you out, you really mean 'turning you on. Then, yes, he is totally creeping me out. 😍😍😍. The worst part is I know he's being creepy since this is a reread. I find Creepy!Vision to be hot, too, though.
Noooooo! Not Vision! I hate it when V gets hurt, especially when he cries out in pain. 😭😭😭
I bought this coming off the high of the last Ms. Marvel volume, and while I don't regret reading it, it certainly lacks the depth and resonance of her solo books. This was fun, but felt like more of a money grab in how it brought in characters. That being said, I will still probably read the next volume.
Nothing can make me happier more quickly than adorable Vision being adorable! 😍😍😍
That's a great image of Ms. Marvel.
Kamala: using her Avenger powers for good. It's funny because it's actually a petty thought. When it comes time to act, though, she puts on her big girl pants.
I didn't know spiders could infringe on trademarks. Spider-men can even if spiders cannot. Also, I want to reread Spider-Men now.
I am Iron Man. I have to pretend I like children all the time, and no, Falcon, I refuse to smile while doing it. If I were Tony, this is the moment I flip Falcon off and bail.
Aw, The Scarlet Witch! *melts*
There is a series of erotica stories on Amazon called the Offenders. I like to imagine this was a tip of the hat to the first story about Iron Rod because it makes this panel much, much funnier. And yes, the Offenders is as bad as you imagine it is...
Not great, but there's enough potential here to become great in the future.
I am HERE for Kamala/Nova
Wanda looking beautiful as hayl. Get it.
Okay. Let's see what's going on with the All-New, All-Different Avengers.
Currently reading, and thoroughly enjoying, this new Avengers comic. And, can you really say no to more Ms. Marvel?