Cramming for book club tomorrow. Fortunately, graphic novels go quickly.
Cramming for book club tomorrow. Fortunately, graphic novels go quickly.
For their 45th wedding anniversary, a childless Black and Latina couple decide to undergo a biogenetic procedure that will restore their youth. In this outstanding science fiction novel told in #comics format, selfish desires are counterbalanced by love and strong moral ethics. Don‘t make my mistake and put off reading this because the cover is creepy. The interior art is finely detailed and washed in somber hues. #graphicnovel #readBlackauthors
“My dad made Slane blue because he knew he would never get away with writing a Black hero.”
Looks creepy, was actually pretty cool. Picked it up blind, recommended on a "best-of" list. I didn't love the art, but it wasn't as out there as the cover suggests.
This is like Yuval‘s Homo Deus meets Frankenstein. An elderly doctor and her writer husband volunteer to try a radical fountain of youth procedure with mixed results. This brings up interesting questions about medical ethics, identity and quality of life. However, it ends too abruptly and doesn‘t flesh out the consequences of the conclusion as well as I hoped. Still, a very cool concept.
Yesterday, I did the #shoplocal thing and walked to Skylight Books. I picked this up and a really tall man behind me said, “That‘s my book!” It was Ezra C. Daniels doing in-store book recommendations as part of #IndiesFirst. He seemed genuinely happy to be there. What a sweetie. And yes, I did buy one of his recommendations...
A cell rejuvenation experiment has unanticipated consequences and leaves us with quite a moral dilemma. Too be honest, the art work here was not very appealing to me, but I thought the premises of the story was really innovative and smart. Especially the different behavior of the two clones relative to their originals was very interesting along with the thoughts on ethics in research.
This was an interesting take on how humans might attempt to extend —and perhaps perpetuate— life, specially in old age.
It also tackles some philosophical notions on what the soul is and what makes us who we are.
3.5/5 stars for me.
#upgradesoul #graphicnovel #scifi
Thank you Netgalley and Diamond Book Distributors for the ARC!
Upgrade Soul is a compelling story, and worth an evening‘s time. I appreciate Daniels‘ ability to discuss the process of aging and the desire to reverse time. He takes an innovative and intelligent approach to both topics. At the same time, he creates a suspenseful story. Thanks NetGalley! Pub date is 9/18/18.
Full review at www.TheBibliophage.com
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