Hi mom are you trying to read? Calli is very curious when I read on my ereader and likes to be in my lap. At least she doesn‘t lick it like my books. #dogsoflitsy
Hi mom are you trying to read? Calli is very curious when I read on my ereader and likes to be in my lap. At least she doesn‘t lick it like my books. #dogsoflitsy
A great end to the series. Truly came full circle. I‘m glad I came across these books, as books like these are why I love fantasy. ❤️
Oh this was actually a really sweet but not "too clean" of an ending! I loved all the reveals and challenges to the status quo that came out.
Gonna finish the trilogy!
Leaning towards a so-so, but ultimately a pick. This is the final book of a very exciting trilogy. I got fed up with Henrietta‘s romantic waffling and felt like it was an unnecessary distraction from the story. Otherwise, it was epic battles all the way home.
First day of Turkey & Pie Day break: knocked out a bunch of chores and errands, cleaned the house, sorted and purged my closet in preparation for Black Friday thrifting. Now time for a book and coffee and listening to the very very welcome first rain of the season. #thankful
Yesssss the final book in the trilogy!! I‘ll be working on this one allllll weekend. #thanks
This was a hugely disappointing end to one of my favorite series. The action was great. The “everyone is in love with me” Thing was not.
I‘m crying. I didn‘t expect to get approved for this one (Random House hasn‘t exactly been my friend) so this was a really awesome surprise for a Monday morning.