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Nothing Happened
Nothing Happened | Molly Booth
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IT'S MUCH ADO . . . ABOUT EVERYTHING. This modern-day retelling of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing takes place at the idyllic Camp Dogberry, where sisters Bee and Hana Leonato have lived their whole lives. Their parents own the place, and every summer they look forward to leading little campers in crafts, swimming in the lake, playing capture the flag and Sproutball, and of course, throwing legendary counselor parties. This year, the camp drama isn't just on the improv stage. Bee and longtime counselor Ben have a will-they-or-won't-they romance that's complicated by events that happened-or didn't happen-last summer. Meanwhile, Hana is falling hard for the kind but insecure Claudia, putting them both in the crosshairs of resident troublemaker John, who spreads a vicious rumor that could tear them apart. As the counselors juggle their camp responsibilities with simmering drama that comes to a head at the Fourth of July sparkler party, they'll have to swallow their pride and find the courage to untangle the truth, whether it leads to heartbreak or happily ever after.
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Nothing Happened | Molly Booth
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God I love a Much Ado #retelling. Ben and Bee had the energy, and I love that the Hero/Claudio characters were sapphic! The "death" of Hana was a little weak, but given the setting update, it still worked. #yalit

Nothing Happened | Molly Booth
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What say you? #LMPBC #GroupP #Round12

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bibliobard I have already read Cinderella is Dead. Some Girls Do almost ended up on my own list. But Love is For Losers and Kings, Queens, and InBetweens all sound good too! 👍 3y
Soubhiville I‘ve been wanting to read 3y
Soubhiville But I haven‘t read any of these yet! 😁 3y
phantomx I haven't read any of these books as of yet. Kings, Queens, and In-Betweens is catching my eye! 3y
WanderingBookaneer @bibliobard : Some Girls Do is the only one of the list I‘ve read! (edited) 3y
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Nothing Happened | Molly Booth
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This is a fun, lighthearted read. It‘s a retelling of Much Ado About Nothing. Bit of a slow start. Hana (Hero) and Claudia (Claudio) don‘t get together until about 100 pages in. BUT it‘s a spot-on depiction of summer camp life. Most of the more ridiculous plot points come from the original play. I really appreciate how Booth handled some of the more slut-shamey aspects of play.

Solid beach read.

Nothing Happened | Molly Booth
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I used to work with the leaders-in-training at my summer camp. This nails their experience. We used to tell them it was going to be “awesomely awkward.”

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Nothing Happened | Molly Booth
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Just wrapped up a book. Before diving into anything new, I sometimes engage in what I call “Chapter One Day Fun Day”- in which I read the first chapter from a selection of books off my TBR shelf. #WildSaturdayNight

megnews I usually do this when I come home with a stack from the library which is how I end up reading so many at one time and finishing up quite a few at a time. Sing, Unburied, Sing was one of my 5 star ratings last year. 6y
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Nothing Happened | Molly Booth
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Much Ado About Nothing is one of my favorite plays, and I‘m a sucker for Shakespeare modernizations in general. This MAAN adaptation is set in a summer camp with all the main characters as camp counselors and lots of queer and POC representation, and it is just SO exactly up my alley.

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Nothing Happened | Molly Booth
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#currentlyreading this Much Ado About Nothing retelling. Do you like Shakespeare retellings? #ya #retelling #nothinghappened #mollygbooth

DivineDiana Yes, I love them! Stacking this one. 🙂 6y
Yawednesdays @DivineDiana awesome 🙌🏼🙌🏼 If you like fantasy, I heard The Queen of Innis Lear is a King Lear retelling. 6y
DivineDiana Thank you! I‘ll stack that too! 6y
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