Rating: 5 Stars!! (Wish I could rate it 10 Stars!!)
Review: Another great read in this series with knots of twists and turns!!
Rating: 5 Stars!! (Wish I could rate it 10 Stars!!)
Review: Another great read in this series with knots of twists and turns!!
33-2019 ⭐️⭐️
Overall not a bad read but a bit too sappy/cosy in places
Last post about this book, I promise. But I have a serious question. I'm not a big romance reader, so could be wrong, but do US romance authors tend to glorify #rapeculture? This isn't the first book I've come across where the woman says back off and the man gets all stalker-like and she finds it charming. And in the clip to the right it's a case of her body saying yes, so he feels free to ignore her very clear verbal no.
There isn't enough alcohol in the world. He's been doing this alpha male condescending objectifying crap and she's been wondering if what she's feeling is hostility or passion (yes, really!) and when they finally find the buried skeleton (20 pages after this scene) she shrieks, jumps into his arms, calls the police, and then they have the most passionate kiss evah, and she thinks "he's so different from other men". ??
I'm... not sure I can do this. "She was suddenly disturbed by his basic masculinity"? ?
Muahaha! I'm going to need alcohol with this book. Lots of it. ? She has compelling velvet doe eyes. And "he wasn't a man who hunted but a man who watched". ??
Found this in a charity shop and thought, "Nora Roberts, I've heard that name, what does she write?" I read the blurb, woman finds skeleton buried in back yard, a killer is on the loose. Cool.
Before a single bone has appeared I read the sentence, "She was not a woman who guided her emotions, but one who was guided by them." I study the cover more closely and discover that the publisher is a trademark of Harlequin/Mills&Boon. I feel tricked.