Hammock reading on a crisp morning ❤️
The book was getting too good to only read 3 chapters a day. I'll try not to spoil it for those doing the buddy read.
Hammock reading on a crisp morning ❤️
The book was getting too good to only read 3 chapters a day. I'll try not to spoil it for those doing the buddy read.
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.49-51: These were some tense chapters! It was awesome that Feyre could Winnow from tree to tree and she was pretty badass. Now I understand that Feyre has issues with the truth being held back from her-but seriously, Rhys was literally dying in that cave and she chucks the flower at him with a scowl. Couldn‘t that wait? Sense the room girl! 😆
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.46-48: During training, Feyre is surrounded by Lucien & Spring Court guards-they try to get her to go back with them. Feyre becomes pissed (and good for her!) and her powers come out - she even grows a pair - of wings that is! Rhys and she end up at an inn and have to share a room and a bed. Oh darn! And things naturally escalate - and it‘s about time. Here‘s hoping the morning after isn‘t too awkward.
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.43-45: First off - how great was the dancing star fall celebration? So romantic. I feel as though every interaction between Rhys and Feyre is important and I pay such attention while I‘m reading. I feel bad that she feels she is betraying Tamlin as she starts to fall for Rhys. ⬇️
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.40-42: first, those mortal queens are bitches. They even pissed off Elain. Second, they cannot seriously tell them about Velaris! There has to be another way. Third, who was shooting them with ash arrows? It could be anyone…Tarquin, Tamlin, Keir, Hybern? Lots of enemies. Finally, things are heating up between Rhys and Feyre - too bad thinking keeps getting in the way. Feyre needs to lock that down.
Heading to London with my daughter so we can see Tom Hiddleston in As You Like It. So much airport and airplane time ahead for reading!
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.37-39: I love when we get to see the real Rhys, the man behind the mask. He‘s showing who he really is to Feyre more and more. I love their notes back and forth. I worry that with the blood rubies, the Summer court will tell Tamlin that Feyre was there. That could bring trouble. Or Tarquin could ally with Tamlin. Will Rhys be able to keep her safe in his court?
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2: Ch.34-36: wow things are tense, and Feyre‘s powers sure are growing. And I‘m glad Rhys explained himself about the whole Cresseida thing - gah. I just want Feyre and Rhys together and happy. Is that too much to ask? Oh right - impending war. Mission to accomplish. Right…focus…
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2: Ch.31-33: we see the dangers that exist between courts. You have to read between the lines of everything that is said diplomatically. I can‘t believe the Summer Court would threaten to return Feyre to Tamlin and risk pissing off the Night Court. I can‘t believe that the law says Feyre belongs to him. Could he really mean war over her? ⬇️
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2: Ch.28-30: I love how Feyre is working things out in her mind, about Tamlin and about her time Under the Mountain. I‘m glad she‘s realized everything that Rhys did for her while she was there - and the big nothing that Tamlin did. Then and since. Now she just has to learn how to harness her new powers so that she knows how to use them. Btw - the more we get to know Rhysand, the more I fall for him. ⬇️
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2: ch.25-27: first off, the artwork from the fan base of these books is incredible. You can find some for nearly every scene. Secondly, Rhys definitely knows how to challenge Feyre. But using her as bait? Does that go too far? It worked. And now they have the Attor and can get info from him about Hybern‘s plans. And Feyre was mad enough to use her powers. ⬇️
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book2.Ch.22-24: Feyre and the boys head to the mortal world and Feyre‘s family‘s estate. It‘s true what they say - you can‘t go back home again. Especially if you‘ve been turned into a fairy. Her welcome wasn‘t the best - granted their relationship has never been without strain. I hope they remember that they owe EVERYTHING to Feyre. ⬇️
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.19-21: these were some tense chapters. I understand Rhys needing to make sure Feyre is ready but man - what a cruel test. But I think she‘ll be stronger for it. I also think that ring is very special and is meant for his mate - or the woman he‘s meant to marry. His mother wanted him to wait and find the woman who matters. Could it be Feyre? Shipping them hard.
Oh what a wild ride this series is!!!
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.16-18: this author is killing it at world building. Although these chapters were lengthy I was so hooked on learning more about this world and the characters. I love how, for the most part, Rhys is open with Feyre and tells her things. So different from Tamlin. Speaking of - he must be going crazy by now, right? That‘s a hornets nest, for sure. ⬇️
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book2:Ch.13-15: Feyre is shown a part of Rhys‘ world - his city Velaris - which shows great trust on his part. She is going to be introduced to his Inner Circle. He actually wants her help in the coming war, but he is also not trying to pressure her. He is allowing her to come to her own conclusions about her love affair with Tamlin and what went so wrong with it. Feyre needs to learn how to live again. ⬇️
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.10-12: oh Tamlin - could you be any more obtuse? You are doing everything to drive Feyre into your enemy‘s arms. And no one reading can continue to support you. You really are a weenie. But Rhys - he sees Feyre and understands what she needs🖤- we‘ll see how things develop in that corner as Feyre starts to recover at The Night Court. ⬇️
Caffeinating up this morning to stay on top of all my reading 🤣 I love March Break! Truthfully I‘m not sure how much longer I can stick to the 3 chapters a day with #littensloveacotar I need to know all the things but I want to talk about all the things #thestruggleisreal
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR Book 2:Ch.7-9: War - according to Rhys - is inevitable. The king of Hybern is coming. War - according to Tamlin - won‘t happen. Although Feyre believes Rhys, she feels she has to stand with Tamlin. He is her High Lord after all. But maybe…maybe she‘s starting to hear what Rhys is saying. She is powerful. She can make a difference. She needs to train and prepare for what‘s coming. She is not a trophy or a pawn. ⬇️
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR Book 2: Ch.4-6: Just as Feyre is panicking at her wedding and probably about to pull a runaway bride situation, Rhysand interrupts in dramatic fashion. He demands that she comes with him to fulfill their bargain. We find out later that he heard her crying out for help - has known about her suffering these three months, courtesy of their bond. ⬇️
Continuing down the ACOTAR rabbit hole - a bit spicier to start and a bit sad
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR Book 2: Ch.1-3: it‘s been 3 mths since the events of Under the Mountain. Feyre is suffering some major PTSD and both she and Tamlin pretend everything is fine. But how long can they keep pretending? Feyre is revered by the Fae - she has become a symbol (Feyre Cursebreaker) - I feel that although Tamlin loves her and wants to keep her safe, he is not above using her as that symbol to gain power back over his court. ⬇️
Repost for @StayCurious
Hello lovelies! Yes, we have been converted and are now #LittensLoveACOTAR - join me while we read book 2 in the series starting on March 8 with 3 chapters a day. If you want to be removed from the tag list let @StayCurious know. What is in store for Flyer and Tamlin? And dare I say Rhys? Let‘s find out.
Hello lovelies! Yes, we have been converted and are now #LittensLoveACOTAR - join me while we read book 2 in the series starting on March 8 with 3 chapters a day. I am tagging those that expressed interest but if you want to be removed from my list please let me know. What is in store for Feyre and Tamlin? And dare I say Rhys? Let‘s find out.
A little bit heavy in parts but an improvement on the first book. Azriel has my heart 🖤
I forgot to review this a few weeks ago. It‘s managed to suck me in for good now. I can totally picture it as a tv series too…a lot happens, the plot thickens, the characters evolve.
Seriously- this series was a good way to escape while waiting in the ER with my mom two weeks ago, and follow up appts. I really liked the twist in this one- and the descriptions in the book. It was also the right level of spice for me.
When I saw the morally dubious prompt for the #hauntedshelf book recommendations my brain jumped right to the book that got the TikTok book girlies started wirh their obsession with morally grey tattooed angel faerie men 🧚♂️
‘There are different kinds of darkness,‘ Rhys said. I kept my eyes shut. ‘There is the darkness that frightens, the darkness that soothes, the darkness that is restful.‘ I pictured each. ‘There is the darkness of lovers, and the darkness of assassins. It becomes what the bearer wishes it to be, needs it to be. It is not wholly bad or good.‘
“There are good days and hard days for me—even now. Don‘t let the hard days win.”
It is finally cool enough and not mosquito ridden to do one of my favorite fall activities. Reading by candlelight outside.
#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 There are things about this series that I like and things that leave me cold. If you‘re squeamish, this is not the series for you. I was surprised at the way the relationships changed and evolved. Some new characters were introduced and new places. 4.5 🌟
Just ok, I don‘t think this genre is for me. I think I‘ll skip the rest of this series.
I‘m going to BLOW UP!!!!! THIS BOOK IS EVERYTHING!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 how is everything we thought we knew a lie???!! This author masters suspense & emotions in an incredible way; you‘re truly inside of her head, feeling everything she‘s feeling. NOBODY SPEAK TO ME I CANT EVEN
Love reading outside, especially around a bonfire while camping! 🏕 Great long weekend up north with family. 🌲
book 8 of 2024: So Feyre is driving me crazy. I am hooked, no doubt about it, with this series but I have to keep reminding myself that Feyre is just 19 years old and her behavior coincides with a girl her age. I also torn between Tamlin and Rhys. I am more on Rhys side but i cannot help my heart that bleeds alil for Tamlin. On too book 3 I go.
Love—love was a balm as much as it was a poison.
Enjoyed this book more than the first, even though it goes hard on one of my least favorite Romantasy tropes. (I don‘t dig predestined/fated/bonded mates — thought it was romantic as a teen, but now I‘m like, “You know what‘s romantic? Two people choosing each other over and over again while continuously putting in the effort to make it work.” But I digress…) Will continue the series at some point, as much for the revenge plot as the love stories.
Wow. A masterpiece. I was hesitant after reading A Court of Thorns and Roses, but this book was SO WORTH IT. I just finished and already wish I could read it for the first time again. True love, chosen family, twists and turns, and the perfect mix of darkness with light.
I don‘t even know where to begin. This book was even better than the first one and absolutely ramped the story up at an incredible pace. There‘s not much I can say without giving away any of the story but Rhys and the bat boys have my heart.
Tagging my current read for my June #bookspin board. Since I plan to finish it within the next day or so, I put book 3 on the board. I‘m traveling to DC *all* 👏🏻 *by* 👏🏻 *my* 👏🏻 *self* in late June so I plan to read as many books as possible between my volunteer commitments while I‘m away.
After blasting through the first book of the ACOTAR series in 8hrs I‘m already on to Book 2, A Court of Mist and Fury. Just like the first, it is NOT disappointing…glad I was influenced to pick up this series.