Wishing all the Moms....a very Happy Mother‘s Day!
Wishing all the Moms....a very Happy Mother‘s Day!
My mother‘s name is Rosaletta. Close enough!
I consider myself so lucky omg to have the best mom... she is my rock and I love all the adventures we go on together!! #mothers #readingresolutions @Jess7
My goodness, I had such a whirlwind week with family in town—so dizzying that I forgot to post my heartfelt thanks to the beautiful and brilliant Subashini when this arrived in the mail! I‘m so honored by this gift, Suba. You just, like, really get me, ya know? Thank you so much, my friend!
Happy Mother‘s Day to all the moms out there! Here is my mom and I. She loves that both my brother and I share a love of reading. Love her to pieces...even if she isn‘t a big reader. 😉✨🤓💕🤗
Happy Mother‘s Day to all the hardworking, self sacrificing mothers out there! You‘re appreciated every day. 💐💗
Happy mother's day to all of the lovely mommas on here! 😊❤🌹
Happy Mother‘s Day to all of the moms out there and especially to mine!! I am lucky enough to call my mom not only Mom but one of my best friends!!! #mothers #readingresolutions @Jess7
Don't quite know what to make of this. Wasn't what I was expecting, didn't agree with some of it and it just went so far off point sometimes. I found some things quite disturbing in their presumptions. An entire chapter on someones fictional works on motherhood and I wasn't quite sure what point was being made. A lot of words and I don't feel I've come away with much. Hmmm. 2.5🌟
What you can achieve with some determination! Managed to finish whilst they‘re still at the cinema! Some where between a pick and a so-so- mainly as I didn‘t feel there was a lot of new stuff in it- but also because I like discussions that have suggestions for change and there wasn‘t any suggestions!
Didn‘t agree with everything either- but that‘s fine!.
#selfcaresunday #hopintospring
Apart from the dog, I‘m on my own in the house!!! This hardly ever happens.....son stayed at friends last night, daughter and hubby gone to see that new superhero film!! So my self care is to read as much as I can whilst everyone is out. Wanted to read this one since @miralunasbooknook posted it a few weeks ago! Off I go.
Well that got pre ordered! I'm really getting into non-fiction now, and this sounded too interesting to pass up. #tbrtemptation