I don‘t enjoy business books too often (I tend to find them dry and boring), but I am looking forward to this book being better than most!
I don‘t enjoy business books too often (I tend to find them dry and boring), but I am looking forward to this book being better than most!
#nutsinmay goals. I‘m aiming to finish the daisy-marked books by the 14th. The others by the end of May.
Only one is an audiobook. Very unusual for me! Thanks @Andrew65 for the readathon “excuse” to binge. 😄 🙌🙌🎉🎉
"If you confuse, you lose."
While this book is primarily about #business #marketing, it's also a fantastic guide on empowering & clarifying your communication. Highly recommend!
The author lays out how marketing should be viewed as telling your company's story to customers to show them you're there to help them.
#NFNov #audiobook #Nonfiction #finished @rsteve388 @Clwojick
5 Most Effective Lead Generators
1) Downloadable Guide
2) Online Course or Webinar
3) Software Demos or a Free Trial
4) Free Samples
5) Live Events
#NFNov #Nonfiction #business #audiobook #motivation @rsteve388 @Clwojick #TodayILearned #TIL
5 Free Ways to Grow your Business
1) Create a one-liner that sums up what you do.
2) Create a lead generator.
3) Ceate an automated email drip campaign.
4) Collect & Tell Stories of Transformation. Show how your business transformed a customer.
5) Create a system that generates leads.
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business #motivation @rsteve388 @Clwojick #TodayILearned #TIL
The 1st and most important step you can take to grow your business is to refine your website.
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business #motivation @rsteve388 @Clwojick #TodayILearned #TIL
5 Things Your Website Should Include:
1) An offer above the fold (short, enticing, customer focused).
- Promise an aspirational ID
- Promise to fix a problem
- State what you do
2) Obvious Calls to Action
3) Images of success/happy customers
4) Bite-sized breakdown of revenue stream
5) Very few words. People scan websites.
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business #motivation @rsteve388 @Clwojick #TodayILearned #TIL
The single greatest motivator of customers, clients, people in general is...the human desire to transform!
We all want to become someone better than we are. Be that spark and guide for your customers to get them there.
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business #motivation @rsteve388 @Clwojick #TodayILearned #TIL
Tell your customers where you're going to take them. Theyre not going to follow without a clear path.
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business #motivation @rsteve388 @Clwojick #TodayILearned #TIL
3 Dominant Ways to End a Story.
1) Allow the Hero to win some power or Position
2) Be Unified with Something or Someone Who Makes Them Whole.
3) Experience some kind of self realization that makes them whole.
Help the customer find these resolutions in their life!
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business #motivation @rsteve388 @Clwojick
Be focused with your vision. No one gets excited about a fuzzy vision. Being specific matters! Tell your customers exactly what you're going to do to help them & explain in detail what their future will look like with you as their partner.
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business #motivation @rsteve388 @Clwojick #TodayILearned #TIL
Customers look for solutions to internal problems. Turn your products into weapons that the customer can use to defeat the dastardly villains of internal problems.
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business #TIL #TodayILearned @rsteve388 @Clwojick
Consumers look for solutions to their internal problems. Readers want to fret!
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business #TIL #TodayILearned @rsteve388 @Clwojick
Can clients pass the Grunt Test w/in 5 seconds of looking at your website?
1) What do you offer?
2) How will it make my life better?
3) What do I need to do to buy it?
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business #TIL #TodayILearned @rsteve388 @Clwojick
Every story in a nutshell:
A character who wants something encounters a problem before they can get it at the peak of their despair a guide steps into their lives and gives them a plan to action. That action helps them avoid failure and leads them to success.
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business #TIL #TodayILearned
@rsteve388 @Clwojick
People don't buy the best products. They buy the products that they can understand the fastest.
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business #TIL #TodayILearned
@rsteve388 @Clwojick
Make the customer the hero of your #marketing.
#Nonfiction #NFNov #audiobook #business
@rsteve388 @Clwojick
Moving this #Nonfiction #business book from my #TBR stack to my currently reading stack for #NFNov.
#audiobook #business @rsteve388 @Clwojick
Despite the low rating on Litsy, I'm adding this #Nonfiction #business #marketing book to my #TBR stack for #NFNov.
@rsteve388 @Clwojick
“Human beings take action when their story challenges them to do so.” ... love this quote so much! I‘m reading for work right now. Exciting, I know!
Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller shifts the paradigm surrounding the key perspective when creating a brand story and highlights the power of storytelling to making a brand heard in the marketplace. In short, I love it! Read more at moonglotexas.com