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L'amie prodigieuse (Tome 2) - Le nouveau nom
L'amie prodigieuse (Tome 2) - Le nouveau nom | Elena Ferrante
Naples, annes soixante. Le soir de son mariage, Lila comprend que son mari Stefano la trahie en sassociant aux frres Solara, les camorristes qui rgnent sur le quartier et quelle dteste depuis son plus jeune ge. Pour Lila Cerullo, ne pauvre et devenue riche en pousant lpicier, cest le dbut dune priode trouble : elle mprise son poux, refuse quil la touche, mais est oblige de cder. Elle travaille dsormais dans la nouvelle boutique de sa belle-famille, tandis que Stefano inaugure un magasin de chaussures de la marque Cerullo en partenariat avec les Solara. De son ct, son amie Elena Greco, la narratrice, poursuit ses tudes au lyce et est perdument amoureuse de Nino Sarratore, quelle connat depuis lenfance et qui frquente prsent luniversit. Quand lt arrive, les deux amies partent pour Ischia avec la mre et la belle-sur de Lila, car lair de la mer doit laider prendre des forces afin de donner un fils Stefano. La famille Sarratore est galement en vacances Ischia et bientt Lila et Elena revoient Nino. Le nouveau nom est la suite de Lamie prodigieuse, qui voque lenfance et ladolescence de Lila et Elena. Avec force et justesse, Elena Ferrante y poursuit sa reconstitution dun monde, Naples et lItalie, et dune poque, des annes cinquante nos jours, donnant naissance une saga romanesque au souffle unique.
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7-12 Sep 24 (audiobook)
I am loving revisiting this series on audiobook.
The second book sees Lila in a violent, unhappy marriage and Lenu departing Naples for university. I am again very emotionally involved with the characters, hoping that Lenu‘s focus on education will ultimately triumph, even whilst conceding that is often not the case in life. The depiction of female friendship -competitive, bitter at times- rings particularly true for me.

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Oof, there is so much going on here, and so much of it is pretty disturbing. What an utter mess Lila is in. The violence, misogyny and lack of hope and opportunity in the neighbourhood becomes even more clear as the girls become women, and it‘s no wonder Lenu wants to escape, but her path out is far from smooth. Another brilliant, vividly written book in the series.

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Next up

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1) Book two from The Neapolitan Novels by Elena Ferrante
2) I did all my traveling over the past two months! I'm staying home 🏡
3) My family and our health

#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs #2 Good for you👏🏻👏🏻 3mo
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Surpassing the first book of the Neapolitan novels, the second book introduces us to the two protagonists who are now coming of age: one trapped in a loveless abusive marriage as she tries to find small comforts and the other in pursuit of academic success and social approval. Incredibly layered and nuanced, we experience the ups and downs of their friendship with them. Can‘t wait to pick up the next in the series!

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Eggs Perfection 🤩👏🏻 1y
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There‘s something undefinable about this series. Great read.

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Benefit to delays at hospital? Reading time.

tpixie Well wishes ❤️‍🩹 2y
Shemac77 @tpixie I‘m a paramedic so it‘s my job to be there but thank you for the well wishes! 2y
tpixie @Shemac77 ❤️❤️❤️😊 Perfect! 2y
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Here‘s a photo for you if it helps! @Dragon

Dragon Thanks! I‘ll keep my eyes open - I like their salad dressing so I bet I will love that dip 💚🐉 2y
Shemac77 You‘re welcome! @Dragon 2y
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Day shift reading…if there‘s time.

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As with book 1 of the Neopolitan novels, Elena Ferrante's writing drew me in immediately and I devoured the majority of this volume in a day. I'm definitely looking forward to continuing with the story.

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Well, I finally remembered (when I was in between books) that I wanted to continue on with this series.

Why did I wait so long? I‘m about 100 pages in and right back in Naples with Elena and Lila. 👍

Crazeedi Loved this series 2y
Leftcoastzen I need to get to the third book . 2y
Ruthiella I loved these books too. 2y
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EvieBee Nice! I promised myself I‘d finally start this series this summer. 2y
Cathythoughts So good. ♥️ 2y
batsy I very excitedly bought the whole series. Have I started? Nope. 🙈 But I'm glad to know I have something good waiting! 2y
zezeki I finished this series couple of days ago, it's so good! 2y
Tamra I believe I tried the first and put it down. So many have loved it that I think I need to give it another chances 2y
jlhammar I love this quartet so much! Glad you're enjoying book 2. 2y
LeahBergen @Crazeedi @Ruthiella @Cathythoughts @zezeki @jlhammar I‘m really enjoying it and have promised myself to read books 3 and 4 a lot sooner! 😆 2y
LeahBergen @Leftcoastzen I‘m going to force myself to not wait so long again between books. 🙄 2y
LeahBergen @EvieBee It would make a great summer reading project. 👍 2y
LeahBergen @batsy 😆😆 Yes, I read the first and bought the other three and then… well, you know. 2y
LeahBergen @Tamra I remember finding the feel of the first one different to anything I‘d ever read before. Give it another whirl someday. 😊 2y
MicheleinPhilly I read the first 3 all in a row 3 or 4 summers ago. I have no idea why I stopped but now I have to start all over again. 👵🏼 2y
LeahBergen @MicheleinPhilly I was thinking I should watch the first season of the miniseries to refresh myself. You could watch the first 3 seasons before reading book 4. 😆 2y
CarolynM I liked the first one, but not enough to go on to the second. I thought it would be more of the same. Maybe it‘s been long enough now that I‘m interested to try number 2… 2y
Ruthiella @CarolynM It is more of the same. Really all four books make up one really long novel. I became totally invested in Lina and Lenu‘s lives. 2y
janeycanuck That reminds me… it‘s been years since I read Book 3 and I still haven‘t picked up 4. 2y
Suet624 Hmmm… made it they 2and now I can‘t remember why I stopped. 🥴🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
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I was surprised I liked this one just as much if not more than the first book.

Story of a New Name | Elena Ferrante
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You heard of “Bieber fever,” like for Justin Bieber fans? I guess I have Ferrante fever. But seriously this was such a gratifying reread. The beach episode had stayed with me, but for the most part I had forgot how it really went down. One great thing about this series is how political it gets, with the political ideas being ramped up since they‘re no longer children. Anyway these are such a nice blend of the literary and entertaining.

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Story of a New Name | Elena Ferrante

Now book two is sweeping me away. I just want to read all of Ferrante‘s books, from the Neapolitan novels and beyond.

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It‘s been more than 4 years since I read My Brilliant Friend, but I finally got to the second book… and I‘m wondering why it took me so long.

Masterfully written and just completely absorbing, with some of the most complicated characters I‘ve read in a long time. I didn‘t want to do much of anything until I had finished, and I don‘t think I will wait nearly as long to read the third book. 😉


My #Booked2021 #CharactersAreFrenemies book

Cinfhen Yay!!!! I stopped after book one but maybe I should continue on in 2022?!??? 3y
jdiehr Such a great series 3y
Cathythoughts I loved this series ❤️💔 3y
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LeahBergen I‘m in exactly the same boat! I read the first one several years ago, immediately bought the other three and… 🤷🏻‍♀️. What‘s wrong with me? I think I‘ll make it my 2022 resolution! 3y
LeahBergen @Cinfhen I hear you!! 3y
LeeRHarry Enjoyed this series and the HBO/RAI adaptation 😊 3y
Cinfhen Of course I barely remember book one @LeahBergen 🤪 3y
sprainedbrain @Cinfhen @LeahBergen I had to refresh myself with an internet synopsis of the first book before I started, but it all came back. 😆 We should all finish the series in 2022! 3y
sprainedbrain @LeeRHarry Part of my motivation for reading more was my self-imposed rule about reading before watching… I want to watch the series. 😉 3y
Cinfhen I‘m up for that Jenni @LeahBergen The Neapolitan quartet in 2022 3y
DrexEdit I've been dragging my feet because I don't want the series to end! I'm on book 3 now too. Once I finish all 4 I'll probably immediately start a re-read. 3y
LeahBergen @Cinfhen @sprainedbrain Good idea to read a synopsis! 😆 And yes, this will be our year for finishing it 💪 3y
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These books are so, so good…

But I‘m starting to wonder if I‘m supposed to hate Lila with the heat of a thousand suns or if I‘m just doing this wrong?

Because I didn‘t really like child Lila, and I really, really don‘t like ‘grown up‘ married teenager Lila. Ugh.


merelybookish Lila is complicated. Lenu doesn't even like her sometimes. 3y
Ruthiella @merelybookish Agree. I didn‘t like Lenu all the time either. But I loved this quartet. 3y
sprainedbrain @merelybookish @Ruthiella I‘m not sure I ‘like‘ either of them but I love these books… always a little jarring to find so much reality in fiction. 3y
merelybookish @ruthiella @sprainedbrain This quartet is amazing! And having difficult, complicated, compromised women characters is part of that! 3y
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Squeezing in my #BookReport for October before November is over! I managed to read a lot of books in October. I also read a lot of really good books in October! A good reading month!


Cinfhen I have an ARC for this one 👉🏽How was it!??! 3y
Cinfhen Great month!!!! 3y
DrexEdit @Cinfhen I really liked it. I have a review somewhere in my feed. Good enough that I want to read Weike Wang's other book. 3y
Cinfhen I liked this one, it was quirky 3y
DrexEdit @Cinfhen 👍☺️ 3y
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5 Extra Big ⭐s!

I love Elena Ferrante's writing and I love this second book in her Neapolitan series. I've never come across what I think is a more realistic depiction of female friendship and now in this book, transition from girlhood to adult.

I think I've been waiting to read this because once I start reading a literally can't stop and once I've read all the books then I won't have them to read for the first time anymore!

DrexEdit This is my October #Bookspin!
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Late with my #bookspin again! But I am excited about this month's #bookspin and #doublespin selections. Both long books again; same as last month and I only got through one of those. But given the way I tore through My Brilliant Friend, I don't think it will take long to get through The Story of a New Name. And Stephen King also reads fast! Fingers crossed I think I might be able to finish them both!

DrexEdit I did not finish volume 3 of the Cook Eleanor Roosevelt biography, my #doublespin for September, so that goes back on the list! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Heading back to California today, got a long day of flying ahead of me. Happy to have been able to spend time with my family for the week, but also very ready to get back to my home.

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A good follow up to My Brilliant Friend. Here the relationship between Lila and Lena grows more complicated as their lives shift from childhood into adulthood. 4⭐️

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The Story Of A New Name picks up after My Brilliant Friend left off in 1966. Lila is a newlywed, and Lena is continuing her studies, exploring the world beyond the neighbourhood of their childhoods. Despite their diverging paths, their complex and evolving bond continues. It felt like picking up where I‘d left off with old friends. Ferrante is just SO GOOD! Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/the-story-of-a-new-name-elena-ferrante/

LeeRHarry I‘m making my way through the series - last book to go, can‘t wait 😊 the HBO series is excellent too! 4y
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I have such mixed feelings about this series of books. Beautiful in its writing but such a soap opera. The growth of the women and the awakening to the misogynist society that they are growing up in keeps me reading. I am compelled to finish the series. My cousin was right ...I did enjoy this book more than the first. 4 🌟

rachelm Yes! Books 2 and 3 were my favorite 4y
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-The beach scenes in the tagged book!
-The Library where I work got power back, so we could actually open on Monday
- I was obsessed with the song “Drunk Driver/Killer Whales” by Car Seat Headrest during the last summer that I actually had long summer break (2016 - had all of June off when I was between jobs and spent a lot of it taking little road trips and listening to music)

Thanks for the tag @katy4peas
I‘ll tag @Tanisha_A and @AnneCecilie

shortsarahrose Also, just remembered that I read the tagged book during summer 2016, too. Guess I really took advantage of that summer! 4y
MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 🌞🐚 4y
Cathythoughts Great book choice 👍🏻❤️ 4y
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Book #2 does not disappoint. Two lives going in different directions but bound together inextricably.

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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

1. Heathcliff and Catherine from Wuthering Heights! Specially Cathy, quite an atypical heroine.
2. Absolutely hate books that have women being sexually assaulted as a motive for the male protagonist's development. Or when it's just used for shock value.
3. Tagged book!!

Eggs Amen to #1 and #2! Thanks for joining in 👏🏻📚🤗 4y
BookmarkTavern Completely agree on 2! 4y
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WOW! I absolutely loved this book! There is a constant tension that runs through this book that kept me hooked. The author delves into the darker side of friendships and relationships. The manipulation and occasional cruelty put me on edge. The writing is truly sublime. It doesn‘t come across as forced or pretentious and just flows naturally. Which nicely echoes in the setting of Naples of the 1960s. It is what it is, complex and yet accessible.

Leftcoastzen I loved the first two books , need to get to 3rd. 4y
Eva_B @Leftcoastzen I‘ll need to wait until our libraries reopen to get the next one. Luckily, I have plenty to read at home until then. 4y
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I read book 1 of this series a few years ago and loved it. I‘m now on page 206 of book 2 and I am loving it too. The writing is wonderful.

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I went to the library book sale. These happened. Again...will no one stop me from my own sheer madness? 📚😱

emilyhaldi Wow that‘s a great haul!! 🙌🏻 5y
ImperfectCJ In your defense, those are some fantastic books. 5y
Leftcoastzen It‘s bargain prices and goes to a great cause, I think you can be proud of your haul. 5y
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LeafingThroughLife @emilyhaldi @ImperfectCJ Thanks! This sale always has an uncommonly good selection. If you can believe it, I actually had to make myself put a bunch back to arrive at this “restrained” haul! 🤣 5y
LeafingThroughLife @Leftcoastzen 😊 I definitely prefer that perspective. Much better than the creeping concern that I could probably live a good long life and never still manage to read all the books I own at this moment. 😬😆 5y
Ang203l Megan!!!! That‘s so many books 😂 5y
LeafingThroughLife @Ang203l I put some back! 😱 This is how I build up the library karma so all the libraries don‘t bar the door when they see me coming. You know, just sayin‘.....😜🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 5y
Ddzmini Are you kidding that‘s awesome 👏🏼 5y
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Book two...📚

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I loved the first book in this series so much that I was compelled to start the second book right away!

Graciouswarriorprincess I loved this series. I just finished book four. Happy reading! 5y
cajunsyd @Graciouswarriorprincess thanks, glad you loved it!! 5y
ehewett88 I really enjoyed the first book and keep meaning to get the second one. hope you enjoy it! 5y
cajunsyd @ehewett88 yes, you should check out the rest of the series! It‘s great! 5y
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I don't love this book. But I am captivated. I love hearing the Italian experiencing the italian.

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I loved the first book but it was a couple of years ago that I read My Brilliant Friend .. so I‘m really excited to start this!!! 😊😊📚📚

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I‘m in love with this series! The first book was really great, the second maybe even better ❤️ Plan to start watching the series tonight, looking forward to it. Now; rushing off to start the third book!


Crazeedi Loved this series!💖 5y
Graciouswarriorprincess Where is the series to watch? I loved this so far. 5y
Ruthiella Ferrante Fever strikes again!🤪🤒😍 5y
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hilded @Ruthiella Yep! 🤒🤣 5y
hilded @Graciouswarriorprincess It‘s on HBO, one season (so far at least) that follows the first book. I watched the first episode yesterday, it was excellent 🙌🏻 5y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I‘ve been reluctant about Book 2 5y
hilded @Joyfulmimi Don‘t be, it was great! 5y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads Their relationship 😱 @hilded 5y
hilded @Joyfulmimi True, it‘s a bit toxic 5y
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After finishing ‘My Brilliant Friend‘ a couple of days ago, I had to dive right into the next one! I am switching it up and doing #audio for this. Excited to be back in Napoli ❤️


Ruthiella Yes! I read them in fairy quick succession too. Once you contract Ferrante fever there‘s no cure but to read on! 🤩 5y
hilded @Ruthiella Yes, seems I have picked up that Ferrante fever 🤩 5y
Crazeedi Yep! Read them one after another!! 5y
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Second book done in the #24in48 readathon. @24in48

Story of a New Name | Elena Ferrante
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The second volume is more compelling than the first. The events described are more consequential and more soap opera-ish. However, my complaints remain the same -- there is too much telling, no showing (not a single description to be had) and the characters are still not three dimensional.

BarbaraBB The third instalment is the best I think. I‘d give it a try! 5y
Graywacke (Don‘t tell @BarbaraBB ☺️but this was my favorite of the quartet. I loved the complicated relationships and the beach and how the tone changed with just a few touches) Hoping you connect with book 3, it is quite a bit different. 5y
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