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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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HAUNTING AND LYRICAL, HUMMING WITH COMPASSION AND INSIGHT, DUSTFALL HERALDS THE ARRIVAL OF A BRILLIANT NEW LITERARY VOICE. MICHELLE JOHNSTON IS A RARE TALENT, AND THIS IS A RARE JEWEL OF A NOVEL. Kathryn Heyman Dr Raymond Filigree, running away from a disastrous medical career, mistakes an unknown name on a map for the perfect refuge. He travels to the isolated town of Wittenoom and takes charge of its small hospital, a place where no previous doctor has managed to stay longer than an eye blink. Instead of settling into a quiet, solitary life, he discovers an asbestos mining corporation with no regard for the safety of its workers and no care for the truth. Thirty years later, Dr Lou Fitzgerald stumbles across the abandoned Wittenoom Hospital. She, too, is a fugitive from a medical career toppled by a single error. Here she discovers faded letters and barely used medical equipment, and, slowly the story of the hospital's tragic past comes to her. Dustfall is the tale of the crashing consequences of medical error, the suffering caused by asbestos mining and the power of storytelling.
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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Told in alt PoV, at different times, this weaves a story of two Drs fleeing from errors who both end up in Wittenoom. The visceral horror of the real-life industrial crime against the mine workers was one of the worst cases of creeping dread I've read for a long time.

I was a resident in a Perth hospital in the 90s, I remember these men gasping for breath. I've just, like so many paid $$$ for asbestos removal from my property. Yet CSR carries on.

Lauredhel Kinda wondering if this might count for Weather Term in Title for #booked2022 @cinfhen @BarbaratheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft
 . Dust storm is pretty much a weather situation in the WA desert! (edited) 2y
Cinfhen Absolutely!!! I live in a desert climate and we get dust storms ALL THE TIME!!! They‘re the worst!!! Great use of prompt 🙌🏻 2y
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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Two doctors thirty years apart, both fleeing career disasters, end up in Wittenoom (now abandoned, WA's Chernobyl).

Off my hook now : I've finished my Beaded Diamonds Sweater! #litsycrafters

Smrloomis Wow that sweater is awesome! 2y
Deifio That looks awesome! ❤️ 2y
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Chelsea.Poole Awesome sweater! 2y
StaceGhost It‘s sooo beautiful! Wow! 2y
ravenlee Oh, wow, well done! 2y
Deblovestoread Beautiful! 2y
Catsandbooks That turned out gorgeous! 😍 2y
Lauredhel @Catsandbooks yes I love it! Unfortunately I‘m not going anywhere to actually wear it, because Covid 2y
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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An interesting fictional take on the outrage that was the mining of asbestos at Wittenoom in northern Western Australia in the mid 20th century. I loved how evocative of place it was - I visited Wittenoom in the late 70s and this brought back a lot of memories. The dual time-lines worked well and the complementary theme of medical reponsibility was food for thought. I could have done without the weird romance element though (I need a bleugh emoji)

CarolynM Forgot the #ozfiction tag again! 6y
JennyM I liked this one too. Very atmospheric - I could almost taste the dust. 6y
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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Every morning, Hadley and I have a read together while we wait for the kids to wake. Today, she is also serenading me with a little snoring 💤

mreads ❤🐕❤ 6y
KarenUK 😍😍😍Hadley is so beautiful! 6y
JennyM @KarenUK she‘s as daft as a brush and such a lovely family dog 🐶 6y
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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It‘s 5:30am in Aus and #ImHere with my latest book (really good - bout asbestos mining, doctors and Western Australia) waiting for the kids to wake up. It‘s first day back to school after the long Xmas holidays (they‘ve been off since November 😬), so I‘m fully caffeinated and ready for the drop-and-run-to-work routine of normal life again.

Cinfhen Wow!!!! First day back at school!! Is it like a whole new term??? Meaning the kids are entering new grades??? 6y
JennyM @Cinfhen yep, this is the start of their school year. So I am now the proud owner of a grade 4 and grade 1!!! 6y
Cathythoughts Good luck with it all. We all know, I think ... that they secretly love the return to school. ... their friends & routine ... hope you are well & ye slip into it all easily XXXX ♥️ 6y
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JennyM @Cathythoughts thanks Cathy. They‘ve woken up happy, so that‘s always a good start 😊 6y
BarbaraBB They have been free since November? Almost three months? Wow... 6y
TrishB Hope it all goes well!‘ 6y
JennyM @BarbaraBB was the end of November... 9 looong weeks of summer 😬 6y
JennyM @TrishB thanks Trish. 😘 6y
Cinfhen Mr 6 is starting first grade!!! How exciting 😍😍😍😍😍 6y
vivastory Hope everything goes well! 6y
JennyM @Cinfhen he is, and he toddled off all happy. Thanks @vivastory 😊 6y
BarbaraBB Nine weeks! Great for the kids, though 😉. Good to hear they were both looking forward to it. Yet another phase 💜 6y
Cinfhen Wonderful ❣️❤️ 6y
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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Thanks for the giveaway @MrsMalaprop ! I love the idea of reading more #ozfiction, but find it‘s not always promoted in the US, which is unfortunate. As someone in health care myself, this one looks quite interesting; I like the opportunity to compare and contrast how things might happen in my own country as compared to elsewhere.


MrsMalaprop Thanks for entering my competition. It‘s incredible to me that an ED Dr with a family could write this book in her lunch hours! 6y
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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@Jeg Oh wow. What an incredible afternoon. Once again combining two of my great loves: food & books. Add the company of half of my beloved book club and I was in heaven 😍📚🥂🍰❤️.

Michelle Johnston was very impressive. She spoke about researching and writing her novel. I learnt more about Western Australia‘s shameful history of mining asbestos in the Pilbara. I was also reminded that fiction can teach us a lot about history too.

Mdargusch How fun! 7y
Jeg Jealous. One day I‘ll be in town! 😊 7y
MrsMalaprop @jeg We missed you! Hopefully you‘ll still get to see her at the library. 7y
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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I enjoyed this debut novel by a local ED doctor. I liked the format and parallel stories, and the fictional depiction of horrendous real-life events at an asbestos mine in Western Australia‘s Pilbara region.

However some of the language and descriptions felt flowery and a little clunky. And some of the peripheral characters a little wooden.

Still, a very good debut and I look forward to attending a high tea with the author in April. #ozfiction

tpixie What a sad subject! Have fun at the author event!!! Love your photo!! 7y
Chrissyreadit Beautiful picture! 7y
CarolynM Hoping to get to this one soon 7y
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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In the mad morning rush to get the kids to school I missed breakfast.

I have so many errands to run, but instead I‘m about to sit down with this and my #currentread. I‘ll get to the errands...😉😁.

britt_brooke Yum - enjoy! 7y
CarolynM I have this one on my TBR. Look forward to hearing what you think 7y
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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#Stickybuns #MarchMunchies Day 23

Technically this is a hot cross bun, which seem to be on sale from Boxing Day here in Australia. As such I try to hold out as long as I can before buying them, as they really are an Easter tradition.

This one was enjoyed with a cup of Australian Afternoon tea in my favourite bookish mug and a some of my #currentread ☕️📚😊.

emmaturi Hot cross bun! That is what I miss from the UK! 7y
Mdargusch Great photo! 7y
Jhullie Yes, I saw them in Woolies on Boxing Day! Ridiculous. 7y
Sophoclessweetheart Hot cross buns are a bit of an easter thing here 🐣 I mean, we have them all year but they seem to be made a big thing in Spring x 7y
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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Starting this debut novel by a local Perth author today. Perth gets a mention on the first page.

Thinking of you freezing Littens while we swelter in the last of our summer/autumn heat ☀️.


Jeg I really liked this book and I‘m sad to be missing the high tea with her. 😢 7y
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Dustfall | Michelle Johnston
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The best book I‘ve read this year. A first book by a local author. I just loved it. Her setting is a town I know well Wittenoon . I visited there many times in the 60s. The writing flows and the descriptions are just right. I highly recommend. @MrsMalaprop

CarolynM I think I need to read this. I went there in the late 70's. Hard place to forget. 7y
Jeg @CarolynM just for that fact alone I‘ll think you will enjoy this book. Her description of Wittenoon and surrounds is very good. I remember well climbing down into the gorge and the pure beauty was to me breathtaking. And the water!!!! Heaven. 7y
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