Honestly not sure where this quote is from, but The Rebel seemed appropriate. Also, read The Rebel. I'm only partway through but it's pretty great (like all Camus tbh).
Well, the civil disobedience section at the local used bookstore was pretty scant (practically nonexistent), but if we're going to stage a rebellion we ought to know how to do it right. #notmypresident #dumptrump #lovetrumpshate
Anybody got any recommended reading on the history of protest and civil disobedience?
Every act of rebellion expresses a nostalgia for innocence and an appeal to the essence of being.
"A character is never the author who created him. It is quite likely, however, that an author may be all his characters simultaneously." - Camus
I love Camus's fiction, but have a much harder time working through his essays. They're fascinating and brilliant, but so heavy. Currently working my way through this one.
Rebellion, though apparently negative, since it creates nothing, is profoundly positive in that it reveals the part of man which must always be defended.
Albert Camus is one of my most favourite thinkers. Love him! 4th of his books to my collection.
“To remain silent is to give the impression that one has no opinions, that one wants nothing, and in certain cases it really amounts to wanting nothing.” - Albert Camus. Just when you‘re on the verge of taking a break from this demanding read, a sentence reaches out and gut-punches you.