Opening a short story collection is a bit like knocking on a stranger‘s door on Halloween and saying #trick-or-treat. You really never know what you‘ll get. This collection was a bit of a disappointment. #screamathonphotochallenge
Opening a short story collection is a bit like knocking on a stranger‘s door on Halloween and saying #trick-or-treat. You really never know what you‘ll get. This collection was a bit of a disappointment. #screamathonphotochallenge
I'm not sure why this picture ended up so blurry. The book kind of matches Billy :) This is the fourth book I've read in the Noir series. I think it's my favourite so far. The stories are creepy and entertaining.
Finally finished. This was the most unbalanced, inconsistent set of stories I‘ve encountered in the #AkashicNoir series, so far. There were a couple of true gems, hence the so-so rating, but I found most to be boring, nonsensical, or offensive. This might be partly an issue of translation and partly a cultural issue, but regardless, I found this collection to be disappointing when taken as a whole.
Both dogs had vet check ups today and it was super stressful for everyone. We learned that #Bailey is just way too protective of me in any new situation. So, baby girl and I have some major training work to do. But tonight, she‘s passing out and I‘m struggling to finish this book. It‘s definitely not my favorite of the Akashic Noir collections I have read. #dogsoflitsy #pitbullsoflitsy #SaturdaySnuggles
I took today off work as a mental health day to wallow in my sadness from the disappointing news I received yesterday. I finally unpacked my Turkish tea glasses and am making a pot of strong Turkish tea while enjoying some dark stories from Istanbul. 😍 It‘s going to be a good day.
#bailey fell asleep in my lap while I watched Richard Burton in The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. So, I had @dsfisher hand me this to read, rather than disturb her. The first story was 😱😱. #noir #akashicnoir #akashicbooks #snugglebuddy #dogsoflitsy #pitbullsoflitsy
Today‘s #bookmail. I am officially obsessed with the #AkashicNoir series. 2019 is going to be the #yearofnoir #aroundtheworld for me. 😍